Three Reasons Why You Should Start The Day Off Diet

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

#1 You Will Lose Belly Fat

The big key to losing belly fat is not doing crunches or sit-ups it’s starting a diet that boosts your metabolism so that the your stubborn belly fat simply has no choice but to fade away.

Yes you should excercise too, but instead of doing crunches and sit-ups you should do heavy weight lifting. The Day Off Diet includes a top quality strength training program free of charge! Yes you should include cardio workouts as a part of your weight loss program but you should do something really intense like cardio kickboxing instead of just walking or some other low intensity approach. Push yourself!

#2 You Will Lose Fat Fast

It’s a common misperception that in order to lose weight fast you have to start a diet which greatly restricts your calorie intake. But that can actually slow your weight loss down because it makes your body go into starvation mode.

Instead of starting a starvation diet you should follow a dieting plan that actually boosts the metabolism and that’s what this diet program does. With this diet plan you will actually be able to eat anything you want one day a week and not only does that make the diet easier to stick with, it acutally helps you to lose weight faster.

#3 You Will Achieve Permanent Fat Loss

The Day Off Diet program comes with a very effective strength training eBook and it is an important element particularly for those who need to lose weight permanently.

Each pound of muscle you add to your body burns an additional 50 calories every day even if you’re not doing anything physical and that’s why building muscle is key to long term weight loss.

This will help you keep the fat off your body because you will be burning more calories every day. It’s vital that you add this muscle to your body. This is how you really change health for the better for good.


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