Exercises To Lose Fat Could Make Anyone Satisfied

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most of us women would like to be able to shift some fat from our bodies and feel super confident in a skimpy bikini. There is no quick fix for weight loss. Tablets or wonder drinks are not going to turn you into Giselle Bundchen, but a few simple fat burning program can. By following some simple fat loss exercises regularly you will notice a difference in your figure.

Most women tend to accumulate fat around their thighs, bottom and hip areas. It can tough to shift, but there are several fat loss exercises that work very well. Squats, lunges and plies are the best exercises to do to lose fat and tone up your body. You should be careful to do the exercises properly so as to avoid injury to your knees.

A simple squat is done by standing with your legs about shoulder width apart. In a carefully controlled motion bend down as far as you can sticking your bottom out and then return to your original position. This should be done slowly using your muscle strength for 3 sets of 10 squats to begin and then increase.

If you want to reduce your weight and strengthen your muscles through some kind of fat burning program, then investing in a fit ball is a great idea. You can use the fit ball to do squats by placing it between you and a wall. While leaning on the ball you gently roll down into a squat position with your legs about shoulder width apart and then gently roll up again. This is an effective and gentle squat exercise.

One of the fat loss exercises that really targets the butt is doing lunges. You do a basic lunge by starting with your toes together. Lunge forwards with your right foot until your right shin has made a 90 degree angle with your right thigh. Then step back and put your feet together. Repeat on the other foot. You should start by trying to do two sets of 10 lunges on each leg. This can place some pressure on your knee joints, so it is important that you really use your muscles to control the movement.

A great fat loss exercise that also works the abdominal muscles is to place the fit ball on the ground. Lie on your back with the feet on top of the ball. Using your arms to balance and support you raise your back off the floor like a plank. From this position bring the fit ball in towards your butt and then return it to the starting spot. This exercise is a fantastic way to tone your calves, thighs, butt and stomach muscles. Remember to keep breathing deeply even though you are tensing your abs.

Plies are one of the reasons that ballerinas have such well toned legs and bottoms. A plie is done by placing your heels together and pointing the toes outwards. Pull up your stomach and pull back your shoulders. You should tense your glutes at the same time as pulling your belly button into your spine. When you have the starting posture you bend your knees as far as you can without your heels leaving the ground. Your knees should remain over your toes, not fall forwards. Then return to the starting position. Do 6 sets of 10 everyday.

There are many exercises to lose fat that you can do to strengthen your stomach, thighs and bottom. By doing them every day you will soon begin to notices fat reduction in those areas and better tone as well. These simple exercises can make big improvements to your overall appearance and your body confidence.


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