Those Who Think They Can't Lose Weight, Think Again

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Maybe it’s time for a rethink if you think you can’t lose weight. I believe everyone can lose weight if they just use the right system for them. It’s not rocket science.

I used to firmly believe I can’t lose weight and would always be overweight. But, I was proven wrong in the end.

I used to lose a pound and pile two on, an endless merry go round. I changed when I was struck with type 2 diabetes.

I blamed myself for being overweight and causing diabetes but the reality is I just don’t know if I contributed. I can tell you though it’s a frightening revelation to find that out.

27 years old and diabetic. But worse in my eyes was I had what was termed “age onset diabetes”, what older people get.

I knew the time was right for positive action. Time to really lose weight, no more talking, just doing. I view on life had to change.

Over the years I’ve tried everything from weightwatchers to ab crunchers. And some of the stuff has cost me a small fortune. I dread to think how much I’ve shelled out on diet ‘fads’.

I ended up using a step by step system that allows me to plan ahead. I can plan my meals and thankfully I don’t have to ration them.

I use a diet generator on my computer that makes it so easy to create my meal plans. I used to stress out trying to work out what to (safely) eat.

I was a chocolate victim. I ate far too much of it which is probably my number one reason for being overweight. Because of the diabetes the chocolate stopped overnight. To be honest I hardly miss it now.

If you are like I used to be and still think you can’t lose weight then you need a fresh outlook on things. You can, and will lose weight if you start right now believing you can.

You won’t regret making the decision. You’ll look back in years to come and realise how silly a notion it is to think you can’t lose weight.

I like thing to be neat and tidy and that includes my weight loss system. I have daily tasks that I can tick off once they are done. This way I know I’m on the right track to maintaining my weight.

There’s a review on my site of some of the systems I’ve tried and most importantly my favorite lose weight system. Why my favorite system? Because it works for me!


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