Women and Weight Loss

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss


Oh, the things women do to lose weight: bizarre foods, starvation diets, excessive exercise. You name a strategy, and women have tried it. But as a health care provider, and a women who’s struggled with weight issue, I know that achieving your optimal goal weight is only possible when you are health, and you internals systems have a consistent supply of everything they need to function well.

Body harmony happens when the body, mind, and organs are all working in unison. The information exchange is happening rapidly and effectively.

When your body is active and healthy, then so are the internal organs, and their inner conversations. Your organs then process food, fight infection, tend to emotional needs, and a zillion other small, daily tasks. This takes place without you being aware of it. The HCG weight loss diet is a winner based upon this.

But when you have an imbalance, your glorious internal conversation is disrupted and information needed to maintain healthy function can’t get through. If the system is out of whack over the long run, health will be jeopardized. You certainly won’t be charming beauty when you’re packing around this extra toxic weight. Your body will stubbornly hang onto this extra weight, no matter what you try to do.

On the good side, the toxic weight women retain can have a positive attribute. Your body will give you a very loud wake-up call through an acute pain point. Good for you, with restored balance, the extra weight you shed can stay off for good, once and for all. HCG weight loss diet succeeds based upon these factors of success.

So, how one starts to run an internal imbalance? This takes place when life overwhelms; when demands are greater than resources. These kinds of imbalances can manifest themselves in any number of physical symptoms, which is why you’re gaining weight.  

Finally, do be conscious of portion control. Here’s a good tip: eat until you’re no longer hungry, and not until you’re full.  You’ll feel much better in the end.



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