You must know the setting that existed to better appreciate the role of Acai Burn.

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

In terms of brand recall, Acai Burn stands head and shoulders above every other acai brand. The fact that Acai Burn was presented more than once on Oprah Winfrey’s show speaks volumes about its efficacy as the healthiest pill for anybody wishing to lose weight. Acai Burn has come under fire by some folks, who are questioning its value and its utility.

  We wanted to quell all doubts among people about the utility of Acai Burn and hence ventured to test the many acai brands available in the market against Acai Burn. After testing the various acai brands in the market place against Acai Burn over a period of 7 months, we finally have the outcome. One factor influencing the results is the way in which the acai fruit has been freeze dried by the various companies, as this can affect the potency of the fruit.  

It is time to know something about this fruit called Acai Berry.  

Latin America is the home of the Acai tree and it is more than 15 meters in height with leaves that can grow up to more than 3 meters in length. The Acai berry fruit, which is a tiny round grape sized fruit shot into prominence, thanks to its ability to bring about weight reduction in an individual while maintaining good health overall.

What were the results?

Just three out of the many acai products tested were found to contain the mandatory levels of antioxidants, fiber, catalytic metals and vitamins that are useful in bringing about weight reduction and reducing the cholesterol levels. Acai Berry Detox, Acai Pure and Acai Burn were the three brands that tested favorably and of these only Acai Burn had increased percentages of flavonoids, vitamins, fiber and catalytic metals that are necessary for effective weight and cholesterol reduction.

The efficacy of Acai Burn is proved by the fact that there was substantial reduction in weight and cholesterol levels across the ten participants and all of them indicated that they were feeling good, both mentally and physically.The second product Acai Pure displayed results very alike Acai Burn with some minor differences in efficiency. The third brand found useful was Acai Berry Detox, which also led to the 10 volunteers losing weight and cholesterol, though some of them reported no change in their physiological make up.

Try out Acai Burn Today.


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