You Can Get Fantastic Abs Today

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Are you sick and tired of seeing ads on the TV for every product under the sun promising beautifully toned abs?  I definitely am!  For the rest of us, those perfect ads you only see on TV seem a world away. I’m here to give you the good news:  It is absolutely possible for you to get the flat and toned stomach that you desire.  But, I’ll be completely honest, it will take some effort.  Not gut busting, 2 hour workout effort, but regular effort.  If you’d like to say enough is enough and get your old abs back, it really is possible.  I have 5 easy moves that have helped me go from flabby guts to fantastic abs.  Ok, I admit it, I was there too, but with regular practice I changed, and so can you.  Before we get started, I’d like to make a few points:

For an excellent guide on getting flat, toned abs, check out How to Get Great Abs

Keep the following in mind before you begin:

  • You do not need to tone your abs every single day, give them a rest so they can repair themselves.  They’ll work harder for you the next time.
  • Breathe out when you are exerting yourself
  • Don’t forget to stretch before you start exercising
  • Take things slowly, your abs will get much stronger this way
  • I recommend between 25 to 30 repetitions for each workout

For a complete guide on getting a great stomach, have a look at How to Get Great Abs

When you start to find your exercises are a breeze, you will need to increase the intensity of your workouts, e.g., increase the number of repetitions, etc.  Here are the exercises that when followed regularly, will get you those nice, toned abs:

  • Crunches.  This is the one everyone knows, it’s simple but really burns the fat.  Start by lying on a flat surface on your back with your hands across your chest. Remember not to place your hands behind your head, it will cause neck pain.  Now, lift your shoulders up by exerting your abdominal muscles. Hold for 2 seconds, and return to the starting position. Don’t rush with this exercise, your abs need to time exert themselves.
  • The Mountain Climber.  This gut crunching exercise starts in a push-up position.  Now, shuffle your feet in and out so that your knees – one after the other – push in towards your chest and back out again.
  • Cross-Knee Crunches.  This exercise is a variation on the standard crunch.  To start, get into the lying, knees bent position.  The difference is that the crunch should be diagonal so that you try to let your elbow touch opposite thigh alternately. This one can hurt a bit, be careful!
  • Oblique Crunching with an Exercise Ball.  You’ll need an exercise ball for this one, if you don’t have one, skip over to the next exercise.  Ok, start to off just sit on the ball.  Jostle your position forward and down until your hips are just off the ball and your back is covering the ball. Gently place your hands behind your head.  Here’s the tricky part, make sure your hips and body are still, and crunch forward, lifting your shoulders off of the ball. Next, twist your upper body to one side and just hold firmly there for 2 seconds.  Uncurl and lower your body back down to the original position and repeat but this time push your body towards the other side.
  • Sit-Press. For the last exercise, sit in an upwards position with you feet flat, and your knees bent. Place your feet under a heavy object to stop your whole body from moving. Lean your body back until you feel abdominal exertion. Move back into the original position. Repeat.

Getting great, toned, and muscular abs is absolutely possible for everyone.  If you mix up the above five routines each day, you will get there.  Always keep in mind that it will take practice, but just keep persisting.  Commit yourself to regular practice and those abs will thank you for it.  Good luck!

If you’d like further advice and ab-flattening workout tips, please visit Burn Belly Fat


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