Why You Aren't Losing Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

If you are six months into a diet and exercise program and results aren’t what you expected, you may be getting frustrated. Before you give up, think about what is standing in your way. It could be that after your initial success, you started cheating on your nutritional program or skipping your exercises sessions.

Think about what you may be doing wrong. Everybody sticks to a new diet program, but when they begin to see results, they start to backslide. If your are missing exercise sessions or cheating on your nutritional plan, you may be sabotaging yourself.

If you’ve been sticking to your program and your weight loss has stalled, see your doctor. If your weight loss has just started to slow down, that’s part of the diet dilemma, as you get closer to your goal, you lose less each week. This is normal and happens to everyone.

If you are considering adding a supplement to your diet, consider the benefits and the risks. Many chemical weight loss supplements have unpleasant side effects like anxiety and sleep disruption, and can even damage your health. Fat binders are a natural supplement that works in your digestive system.

Fat binders are an all natural supplement that works in your digestive system. It binds fat molecules in the food you eat into bundles too large for your intestines to absorb. The fat then passes through your system and out of your body. A natural side effect of fat binders is to suppress the appetite. There are no harmful side effects reported with the use of fat binders. They may be able to give your diet a boost.

A healthy diet should have vegetables, fruits, fish and lean meats. Starches should be limited and whole grain whenever possible. Don’t eliminate starches because your body needs a balanced diet. Avoid refined sugars and fried foods. This is probably covered in your current diet plan.

Stick to a healthy diet that includes food from the four major food groups. Use whole grain products and make sure your dairy products are low fat.

Avoid eating out at restaurants. Restaurant food has lots of hidden calories. Preparing food at home ensures that you will be getting the right amount of calories and the right nutritional balance.

Instead of eating three large meals, eat six small meals everyday. This helps your body process food more efficiently and helps you avoid the temptation of snacks.

Enlist the support of friends and family. Remember, support. You don’t want your friends and family to have to be the diet police. You have to be dedicated to doing this for yourself. Encouragement from others just makes it easier.

Don’t forget or skip your exercise sessions. A thirty minute cardio-vascular workout keeps the metabolism elevated for up to six hours. That’s a lot of bang for your buck. Strength training builds muscle and muscle weights more than fat, so you may not have to lose as much as you think you do to get the results you want.



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