What Is My Ideal Weight?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Before you determine a goal weight and set off on your weight loss journey it is critical that you find the answer to one important question: What is my ideal weight?

Your ideal weight is not going to be your lowest weight as teenager or some arbitrary number that you pull from the top of your head. There are many factors that change the general shape of your body as you grow older, and most people will find that they can’t realistically achieve and maintain the shape of their youth long term.

The most common tools for finding ideal body weight for your age and height is to use a simple weight chart or a free calculator for body mass index (BMI) that can be found easily online. Your BMI will tell you where you fall on a scale ranging from underweight to obese.

Looking at a weight chart will show you how far you have to go and your BMI number may be quite depressing at the start. It is still an important step to face how far you have to go and get a general idea of what weight will put you within the healthy range.

Even more accurate than the scale and BMI is your waist to hip ratio. This will give you a general idea of where you stand right now and how far you need to go, without giving you an actual number. Just measure your hips and your waist and then divide the hip measurement by the waist. Ideally, women should strive for around 0.80 and men for around 0.95.

What makes the BMI calculator and weight charts less accurate is that it doesn’t take into consideration how much muscle is in your body. You can be completely healthy at a weight higher than what these resources predict, especially if you are well toned and have a lot of lean muscle mass.

So, what is my ideal weight? Don’t skip this step out of fear of seeing how far you have to go. The more realistic your goals are the more chance you have of actually reaching them.


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