Use Only 3 Ways to Lose Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Every time I talk to my patient, they always says this “How do i lose weight“. For that, I have design ways on how to do it. Here are the best ways to help lose weight plan that will pave the way to you finally being able to achieve some significant weight loss without too much effort, without crazy dieting, and without having to suffer or torture yourself in the gym.

quick ways to lose weight? Here are the ways to help lose weight

1. Jump on a mini-trampoline for quick and easy cardio

Most of us are busy these days. Going to the gym 4-5 days a week is simply not possible for most people. So my suggestion is to go buy a $25 mini-trampoline, set it up in your living room, and then jump on it for 2 minutes during a bunch of TV commercials.

Just to let you know that there are about 20 minutes of commercials for each 1 hour of tv programming. So there’s more free time during commercials to get in 20 or more minutes of a great, total body workout using the mini-trampoline everyday.

2. 15 seconds of cold water SUPERCHARGE weight loss

Use this trick to create instant fat burning (thermogenesis) for 10+ hours… take you’re normal shower, but after you’re done, turn the knob to REALLY COLD and rinse the cold water all over your body for a total of 15 seconds.

I’ll admit, it’s cruel… BUT IT WORKS and it’s only 15 seconds. If you’re serious about weight loss, try it out. The cold water forces the body’s internal temperature to rise a little bit. When this happens, your body is in the ideal environment to burn fat.

3. Rub your belly

Huh? Rub your hands together to generate heat. After 15 seconds, begin rubbing circles around your stomach for another 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of a few minutes. You will be surprise to get the best results if you do this twice a day.

The heat coming from your hands passes right through your skin and into the fat cells in your belly. The heat KINDA “zaps” those fat cells. With repeated “zaps”, the fat deposits loosen up and get discharged out of your body.

These tips and tricks are some of the best and How do i lose weight.



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