Tips To Help You Stay Away From Temptations

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Everyone sees things that they crave from time to time, no matter what it may be, from a slice of cake to that plate of enchiladas. Use the tips that you are about to read in this article to help you stay away from those situations and stay focused on your weight loss efforts.

Know what your worst times of the day are. This is when you are most vulnerable, and temptations can sneak in, causing you to fall prey to that piece of chocolate cake. After all, it is night time, and no one is looking right? Or perhaps it is in the morning when you need two expensive mochas and a chocolate muffin. Maybe during lunch you like to eat those nachos. Know when you will have the hardest times, and try to plan ahead things that will help deter you from falling prey to temptations. You can do this in many ways and according to your own personal life.

Always have a shopping list with you when you go to the grocery store. You need to know what you are going to get and be organized. If you don’t do this, you will find yourself not only buying some unhealthy or unneeded foods, but you will also buy too much food. If you are planned out and work according to a list, you will find yourself getting exactly what you need for what you are planning to make that week. Look at recipes ahead of time in order to make your lists.

Every time you crave something, make yourself do pushups or crunches. This will not only create a tactic to make you think other thoughts, but it will also give you a positive push in the right direction when you feel invigorated and happy that you made the right decision.

You know what foods you crave, and chances are, there are healthy alternatives to those foods. Find out what they are, whether they are complete substitutes or low-calorie ways of preparing your favorite dish a little differently. Maybe your favorite food is fine as long as you reduce your portion size. Find out what you need to do according to proper nutritional guidelines.

Repeating your current weight out loud 20 times is one way you can make perspective set in. This technique helps you focus on something that should motivate you.

A handful of nuts is a great snack to have when you are feeling hungry. They carry much protein and other nutrients, and they are very healthy and filling. They are also very tasty.

Temptation only lasts as long as exposure, so be disciplined and wait it out. It ends soon, and you can use the tips you have read in this article to help you make your way through those times. If you slip up, just go right back to your plan as you were before. Do not let your weight loss plans get derailed; remain positive, and focus on keeping that weight off for good.


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