Tips To Help People To Improve Their Health And Lose Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

I have always struggled to keep my weight under control. Being over-weight affected my whole life, I was unable to wear the clothes I wanted to and I often felt guilty after eating certain foods. I was adamant that if only I could lose a couple of stones my confidence would increase and that I would ultimately be a lot happier.

I guess that I had problems with my weight mainly due to comfort eating – I was quite a depressive person you see due to the fact that I had a stuttering speech impediment.

One day I was talking to a neighbour who was not only very nice but also quite thin. She was the picture of good health and rather fit; I asked her how she managed to keep so fit.

This neighbour who is called Gillian seemed quite taken aback and even flattered by my question and went quite coy. She stated that at one point in her life, she had also had a weight problem and had not been happy about it. What she was about to say was quite a shock to me, however would eventually change my life.

She went on to say that wherever she went to at this stage of her life, she would travel to by car. She then went out and bought a dog and would take this pet for a walk at least twice a day. In the past Gillian had not wanted to do any form of keep fit however she was now taking her lovely dog on numerous walks each day and enjoying them.

Gillian quickly noticed that not only was she losing weight but that she also felt a lot healthier. She soon reached her favoured weight.

I decided to try out Gillian’s methods or weight loss system. Yes I went and bought a dog and am happy to report that it has also worked for me.

I am now a far more content and confident person. This has helped me to have a successful career selling composite doors for a local composite door company. I also have a little part-time role working providing a DVD duplication service as well as Marks and Spencer Voucher Codes.

You can lose weight; you just need to eat healthier and exercise more.


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