Those love handles should go!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

It’s a tough and difficult life when you have to be vigilant on what you wear lest it make your love handles more apparent. Also called muffin tops, love handles are one of the most visible annoyances in terms of attractiveness. And the unfortunate thing is flabby flanks never seem to go away no matter how many years you spend trying to exert yourself in removing them.

This layer of fat coiled around your midsection is there for a number of reasons. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is the primary explanation. A lot of us are familiar with adapting our way of life to this new tech-conscious generation which can be described as very lazy. Most of our time is spent watching T.V. or using the Internet, which not only does nothing to shape you physically, but damages our eyes slowly. Even most employments nowadays devote time to simple chores that don’t need much psychical effort. Bumming around and not doing anything helps in accumulating fat and increasing the risk of illnesses.

Another explanation is the size of what we eat. As unhealthy restaurants pop up, as well as fried and preserved products, health risks are abound. Most consumables nowadays contain a lot of cholesterol that not only produces love handles but also is devastating to one’s health. There are less ‘fresh’ and more ‘frozen’ meat and veggies out there that people unconsciously take a lot of food without thinking of the consequences just because it felt convenient at that time. They ingest now and worry and get bothered soon after.  

One way to take care of them, after knowing such reasons, is to of course take up a regular exercise. Popular today is the so-called cardio exercise – an activity focused on quadriceps and the like to build stamina and trim down the body. This also is a very effective trimming down activity because of its intensity and the fact that it draws a lot of energy. This is also known as aerobic exercise, and it includes many forms of sports like soccer, basketball, and even jogging. 

Using weights to gain mass is also great in giving you a trimmer stomach. You build strength and this makes your muscles more receptive to the aerobic activities. After weights, it is a good idea to do torso twists, use the stationary bike, and other cardio apparatuses to burn more calories.

Limiting the intake of saturated fats such as donuts, fries and a whole lot of fast foods can go a long way to help you in combating muffin tops. Restricting your alcohol usage needs to also be taken care of. Eat five servings of vegetables every day to keep healthy while you lose weight and you’ll be on your way to having a shapelier and less frustrating body.


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