Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Dear friends; many of you might be familiar with the lemon juice diet, also known as the master cleanser diet. And if you aren’t familiar with it, stick around an I’ll explain it to you. But if you have tried the lemon juice diet you know just how frigging hard it can be! Come day 2 or 3 and you’re on the mat crying uncle. Now hold tight, I’m going to share with you 3 strategies to make a success of the lemon juice diet.

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Okay, just quickly, the lemon juice diet is a diet that consists of living off of a lemonade drink for 10 days straight. No other solid foods allowed. It’s hard, but the results are off the charts. Okay, here’s the first strategy to make it through the 10 days. Spend the last couple of days before your diet just eating salads and soups. This will help your belly shrink a little so you don’t feel too hungry over the 10 days.

You have the first tip under your belt. You’re well on your way. Now add this second tip to keep the moment. Don’t do the lemon juice diet more often than twice a year. And the summer months are the absolute best time to choose to do this lemon juice diet. Being out in the warm sun is tremendously beneficial to your heart and soul. This will really keep you motivated.

Over 50 weight loss programs have been investigated and the best one is lemon juice diet

My last strategy to successfully complete this lemon juice diet is to take ‘er easy. You need to be relaxed in both body and  mind in order to really succeed with the lemon juice diet. If you’re able to be on holiday while doing it that is the best. But either way, no strenuous activity. Try and incorporate leisurely walks and yoga. And don’t sweat the small stuff.

Friends, you’ll notice that once you’ve done one lemon juice diet it gets easier. If you’d like the actual recipe check out lemon juice diet And for additional inspiration check out the rest of the web site where I have additional tips to help you succeed.


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