Taking A Look At The Benefits As Well As The Risks Of A Low Carb Diet

Posted at by DietGeek on category weight loss
There are a lot of people who would like to lose weight, but picking out the best weight loss program for their needs is a thing that is rather difficult on account of the volume of programs available. You’re going to find that for the majority of diet programs, they require that you count the calories that you take in on a daily basis. Counting calories is a slow but steady way for people to lose weight, but mainly because it takes a long time to shed the excess weight that they would like to lose they usually give up on this diet plan. I’m certain you’ve heard of a low carbohydrate diet, but you may possibly not recognize that this is in fact the fastest way for you to get down to the weight you wish to be. One thing that many people don’t think about when starting a low carbohydrate diet are the risks involved.

And one thing you should be aware of is that when it comes to the speed of shedding weight a low carbohydrate diet will lead the pack. And if a low carbohydrate diet is still not fast enough for you you are able to make a change and make it a no carbohydrate diet. Something else you should be aware of is that more men and women find success with this kind of diet than with other plans. Adding exercise to a low carbohydrate diet will almost certainly permit you to drop weight even quicker.

While this type of diet will help you lose weight quickly you are also going to realize that it can possess some unwanted side effects on your overall health. You may or may not have heard of vitamin C deficiency, but this is actually one of the unwanted side effects of a low carb diet. For those of you who are unaware vitamin C deficiency can in fact wind up causing you to have scurvy.

While many people believed that scurvy was abolished years ago, the simple truth of the matter is that individuals today still suffer from scurvy, and low carbohydrate diets may be to blame. When individuals begin a low carbohydrate diet they’re essentially cutting out any foods which have carbohydrates in them. You’re also going to realize that these low carbohydrate foods do not contain vitamin C. Potatoes and oranges are two of the foods which are absent in low carb diets, they also end up containing large amounts of vitamin C. I’m certain at this point you can see how somebody on a low carb diet can actually wind up having scurvy.

So for anyone considering starting a low carb diet you ought to comprehend that you are going to definitely need to take vitamin supplements in order to remain healthy. Multi vitamins are good for individuals who are still getting other sorts of nutrition nevertheless mainly because you are on the low carb diet more vitamins could be needed. As I am sure you’ve heard before you ought to always check with your doctor about any weight loss plan, and this runs specifically true if you’re planning on taking on a low carb diet as they may be able to prescribe special vitamins.


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