Solutions to Lose Pregnancy Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

I see you have given birth to a wonderful boy or girl. I believe congratulations are in order. But wait a minute; you still look like 4 months pregnant! What’s going on? Don’t lose hope! Read on and find out how to lose the pregnancy weight you just can’t seem to get rid of.

In a few moments, I will give you several tips on how to lose pregnancy weight. Here goes

Breastfeeding your baby is the fastest and most comfortable way to lose pregnancy weight. Nature has given you an easy way out! Breastfeeding will help you get back to your figure before the pregnancy much faster than not breastfeeding at all. Moreover breastfeeding will also burn an extra 500-800 calories a day. 

Eat fruits and vegetables as much as you want! Since you’re no longer eating for yourself and the baby, adjust your food consumption in accordance to this fact. Again eat fruits and vegetables as much as you want but try to keep away from sweets, especially chocolate (particularly if you are breastfeeding, as caffeine contained in chocolate is not good for your baby.) Eat lean meat. Keep healthy snacks near you and easy to access.       

Start your workouts slowly and always stretch beforehand! Make sure you get an okay for working out from your physician or doctor. When you begin your workouts, please start slowly, especially if you had a tore or a C-section. To make your exercises more comfortable, do it after warm ups and breastfeeding the child.

 Drink a lot of water. 10 glasses of water is your minimum water consumption every day. Drinking lots of water will also help you shed some calories, not to mention that the liquid itself is the healthiest drink for you.

 Walking helps to lose pregnancy weight, your choice to bring a baby is a choice. If you made up your mind to go walking for a few minutes and burn some calories why don’t you just bring your baby along. Your baby will act as a weight which will help you burn fat more. You will also work up your arm strength if you choose to carry your baby instead of putting your baby in the stroller.

Boost your spirit, eliminate the depression and soon enough, you will find yourself the owner of a new, thin and beautiful body. You want to lose pregnancy weight in a healthy way. It takes a pregnant woman 9 months to gain all of those weight so don’t be surprised and discouraged if in fact it will take you more than 9 months to lose that pregnancy weight. After all it’s easier to gain compared to losing weight!

Support groups help to motivates you to reach your weight loss goals! You want to have a support group. Ask your husband to help. Try to make him lose weight together with you. It’s far easier to shed off a few pounds when you are doing it with a partner rather than doing it all by yourself.

If you are looking for a good lose pregnancy weight guide, here’s my article on fit yummy mummy review.


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