Safe body fat removal

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Today one of the most highly marketed and in demand fitness topics is how to lose body fat. There are poweders, pills and many different systems that all have the same goal of helping individuals lose body fat. However, most of these things are gimmicks that do nothing to actually help individuals reach their goal of losing body fat. In this article I will illustrate the major components to losing body fat.

In learning how to lose body fat one needs to know how to eat properly. Eating right can be done without starving yourself. You need to focus on eating wholesome, nutritious foods. If I were you I would consume a good amount of protein. Protein is great because it burns a lot of fat in digestion and repairs you muscles. For every pound that you weigh you should intake one gram of protein. I take 167 grams of protein because I am 167 pounds. Protein kills your sugar craving by stabilizing insulin levels. If your goal is to lose body fat then you need to have protein be a focus of your diet.

If you want to learn how to lose body fat the you need to know how to do cardio correctly. The tendency is for people to do too much cardio and actually burn themselves out. Everyone has seen the gym nerd who does way to much cardio. These individuals are actually hindering there muscular growth by doing to much cardio. The best way to do cardio is keeping your VO2 max at 65% for a workout of 25 minutes 3 times a week. When you can breath in your nose and out your mouth, then you have reached your 65% VO2 max. People refer to this as a conversational pace.

I think that one of the most essential and important things to have is a proper game plan. It is a challenging goal to lose body fat. Since you have read this article you are on the right track. After this you need to focus on finding a plan that will motivate you and make you unstoppable. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the best program for losing body fat. It is very easy to understand and more importantly its extremely effective.

To read my in depth review of the program you can go to the my Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review.

For more review’s like this check out




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