Personal Trainer Guide To Eating More Fat And Burn Fat

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss


Personal Trainer Guide to Reducing Fat:


So lately I keep questions on how to lose weight and how many calories should I eat. Eating less carbs and increasing the diet rich in omega-3’s will help with fat burning.. Your doctor will tell you that you need to reduce your calories and workout more.


Eat more fat to burn fat is a great way to reduce the amount of fat on your body. Eating carbohydrates will store more fat since the insulin levels get too high too fast.. Eating fat and protein will increase fat burning and reduce the fat storage hormone insulin..


How many times have you heard that growht hormone is the fountain of youth? HGG makes you burn more fat, feel younger and is the most powerful hormone you have..


You do not need to inject HGH, you or body will release enough if you show it how.  Your Increase fat intake will reduce insulin and burn stored fat.. Most people can’t seem to get this idea in their brain, mostly because your doctor will tell you that is is dangerous, you will produce ketones that the brain will burn and your kidneys will fail, you will die.


Yeah OK doc. Don’t worry. They are lying.. Doctors only let you know the hard facts, not options.. A sedentary person can have complications if to many keytones are floating in the kidneys..


If you workout, you can increase your fat intake and you r kidneys will dispel the keytones and you will burn more fat. Your diet is killed by the cars.. The more carbohydrates that are in the blood, it will increase glycogen and will increase fat storage.. Now we are making progress, agreed??


Here is a great question that I have for you,


Is there such a thing as an essential carboydrate?


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