Losing weight with a gastric balloon. Could this be the answer?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

You should really only look at gastric surgery after looking at all other avenues of weight loss. Bariatric Surgeons will usually insist that you explore other means of weight loss before resorting to a surgical option.

Gastric balloon surgery as a form of weight loss is not for the fainthearted.

It requires a strong commitment to be successful and it can not be achieved by the Surgeons scalpel alone.  One of the most popular weight loss procedures is a procedure often called the Gastric balloon or gastric ball and is usually performed by a Bariatric Surgeon.

The idea behind the Gastric balloon is to kick start your weight loss programme and give you a chance to lose the weight and develop some better eating habits in the process.

The procedure is usually carried out under sedation, so although you are not completely asleep you will feel very drowsy. The surgeon inflates the balloon once its in your stomach.

The endoscope is then removed and the procedure is over. The whole process takes about thirty minutes.

After a short rest you will be allowed to go home. The idea behind the balloon is that you will feel full on much lower quantities of food but you will need to follow a fairly strict gastric balloon diet.

With a diet specialist, your surgeon will monitor your you over a six month period during that time you should lose quite alot of wieght.

In the first days after the gastric balloon has been inserted, you will probably feel quite sick. Your body has to get used to this balloon being in place and at first it may fight hard against it. After a few days the sickness feeling settles down and you can proceed with a whole new eating plan working in conjunction with the balloon.

The gastric balloon is usually removed 6 months after the surgery and your surgeon will contact you to come in. The gastric balloon is removed using the same procedure as it was inserted. The gastric balloon, using the endescope, is deflated and removed. If all has gone well, you probably wont even recognise yourself.


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