Losing Weight The Healthy Way

Posted at by DietGeek on category weight loss

Talking about losing weight makes quite a few men and women self-conscious. The reason for this is most often a sense of failure because they have tried different weight loss diets in the past without success. A common reason they don’t succeed in losing unwanted pounds is the sheer volume of tips and advice available makes it consuming for them to take in. Some of these advice are conflicting because many businesses advertise their weight loss product as superior over a rival’s, which they imply is not as effective, so just who do you believe?

Sticking to a long term program is one of the essential elements for weight loss. Many men and women are under the impression that they can easily achieve their target weight after only a few days of intense dieting. This is not the way to become slim since any weight loss during short term dieting is due to water loss and not body fat loss. The effective approach to losing weight is by going the distance adopting a long term weight lossp rogram. You may find that a diet that is extremely strict in what you can and can’t consume will be difficult to stick with for any length of time. This will cause you to end up eating or possibly even pigging out on some food that you’re not supposed to. You’ll then start to have hesitations about having started the weight loss program in the first place and wonder if you can stick it out. This is the danger point at which you will either throw in the towel or find it more difficult to go on.

The principle of weight loss is really straightforward: use more calories than what you eat and the weight will disappear. In practice, working out just how many calories you’ve ingested every day is difficult. What’s more, the calorific values of different foods are not quite the same so that 100 cals of fruit is equal to 100 cals of dark chocolate. If you are calorie watching, then go for those foods that are high in nutrients yet relatively low in calories. Examples of nutrient-dense foods are fish, veggies, chicken, nuts and wholegrains. Don’t stress yourself about avoiding fat completely since you can consume so called good fats that are found in particular nuts and avocado pears, for instance. It will make it a lot easier to stick with a weight loss diet long term if you stay away from boring and tasteless foods. A good motivator to continue is to opt for healthy foods that are enjoyable to prepare and eat. Salmon, green vegetables and salads, fresh fruits etc are examples of nutritious foods that both look and taste delicious.

We’ve looked at the calorie intake but what about burning more calories? Well, this is the reason you must never disregard exercise as part of your weight loss diet plan. Exercise has the effect of raising your metabolism (burns off calories faster) and will also promote stronger muscles. Building up muscle = more muscle which means your body will burn up more calories even at rest. You can do anything, from running in the park or on a treadmill to merely taking a leisurely walk. Whatever you do just make it enjoyable, otherwise you won’t stick to it.

Losing weight isn’t a difficult undertaking with the correct information and mindset.


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