Lose weight: Get rid of 23 pounds in 6 months

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Are you trying to lose some pounds? Have you tried different diets that just don’t work? This is my method to lose weight in 6 months. You´ll need to commit yourself if you want to see good results; but it´s been designed so you can easily stick to it, don´t worry about it, all you need to do is dedicate your efforts to change your eating habits until you lose the pounds you want to.

First of all, let´s understand the math. If you manage to lose almost a pound per week, then, in 6 months, you´ll have lost 23 pounds. That sounds reasonable, don´t you think? Now that you have a goal and some expectations about the time to get it, you will need a point of reference, so start weighting yourself everyday. Try to do it first time in the morning, before you eat anything.

For better results weight yourself the same time every day, and take notes on the results. Losing weight may be slow at first, so you´ll need to be consistent on your actions. Don´t worry if your measurements show very little changes everyday, if you follow this plan you will lose weight consistently over time.

Set yourself a goal for the first week. Avoid eating anything after dinner. If you´re like most people, this would be a real challenge.  Sometimes is very difficult to eliminate those late evening or night time snacks. This is very important because you´ll be giving your body longer time until you eat again.  Consider this, you get hungry during the day, and then you eat a snack or a cookie to satisfy your hunger (yes, it´s very common).  What if you get hungry late at night, most of the times you won´t do anything unless you starved, probably you´ll sleep through and wait until next morning, when you´ll be hungry, after you wake up, and ready to eat. If you had dinner at 6pm, didn´t eat anything after that and didn´t get up until 6am that means your body had 12 hours losing weight.

If you´re able to do this for seven days congratulate yourself! That means you´ve followed your commitment so far and you deserve to recognize it. Now make your decision and continue doing that during the next six months. After the seventh day start drinking more water every day. Try to drink a liter, at least. Buy a liter bottle to measure how much water you´re drinking on a daily basis.

From this point on, you will want to increase your daily water intake. I will tell you why: water will fill you up. It´s simple, if you´re filled up with water, you won´t feel like eating too much.
It´s always good for you to drink water, not just for losing weight but for your health in general.  I´m not a medical professional and I suggest you to consult your doctor.

This is my plan to lose 23 pounds in 6 months, weight yourself on a daily basis and keep your records for reference, start eating less food, particularly after dinner and drink more water every day.

Jane has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does she specialize in weight loss, you can also check out her latest websites on –

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