Lose Those Man Boobs Fast

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Finding alternatives to lose man boobs can be simple if you know what to do. A good combination of diet and exercise is a good place to begin as they are just extra fat that can be lost in the chest. This way eliminates extra fat in the upper body and subsequently all over the body too.

For a really great guide on weight loss check out How To Lose Man Boobs

Daily Calorie Requirements Calculated

The amount of food calories required per day to have good all round health is called the base number, having these calories will keep your body’s performance maximised. How much you weigh is a factor by getting the minimum amount of daily required calories, with no relevancy placed on the exercise level at this stage. If you have an active lifestyle greater calories will be needed and this is another factor which is prevalent when calculating daily calories.

The Calculation

10 x Your weight +(Twice your weight) =Daily Base Calories. For Example. If your weight is 200 pounds multiplied by 10 =2000 +(2 X 200lbs) = 400 then the total =2400 calories. Therefore a man weighing 200lbs should eat a minimum of 2400 calories per day.

This calculation is valuable information if you are trying to make your diet fit your lifestlye or you are trying to facilitate a weight loss programme. The results of the calculation can be used to change your eating habits so you can see how you put on weight and do something about it.
An increase in weight is usually when you eat more than you need to or what your body really needs, in fact try drinking more.

You could be eating 3000 calories per day but if your base caloric intake is 2300, you could be putting on as much as an extra 1lb per week, after 1 month that is 4lbs.

What started as just a little more calories per day will multiply to a large weight gain over a significant period, even in as small amount of time as 3 months so you should be concerntrating on what is eaten on a daily basis and also what is used up on that same day through activity.

Make sure you have an exercise programme that you enjoy as this will make your exercise seem  much easier and be sure to do something that is not too strenuous otherwise the enjoyment will be rinsed away.

It is important that you have an exercise regime that you like or love doing too as this will make you give more energy to the activity, but make sure it is an activity that matches your current fitness level too.

Why don’t you check out Ways To Lose Weight

The following are examples of activities that can started at a slow to moderate pace and can be increased over time:


In the summer, to take to the water is very favourable as you can effect fat loss and not get too hot at the same time.
Between 400-550 calories per hour can be used by swimming laps at a moderate pace this is because you are using your major muscle groups.


Walking is one of the most popular activities for all as you can go at your own pace and you can do it at your own leisure. For example, in your local street, local park or anywhere you feel is scenic and safe.


This form of activity is usually silently popular because if you search hard enough there are many places for hiking like local country parks etc. Many people love hiking as it burns more than 400 calories an hour at a moderate pace. This is a great method for how to lose man boobs that is fun and somewhat challenging .

Calculating Calories Burned During Exercise

To work out calories used whilst doing activities you have to use a chart which will show the number of calories used per hour for certain activities.The caliber of calories used in 1 hour fluctuates from one exercise to another we are therefore unable to guess how many calories are burned .Nevertheless there are a number of resources you can use that give precise calorie burning information and these can be found on the internet or in specific publications .

If you walked a twenty minute mile at a speed of 3miles per hour you would be using in excess of 500 calories per hour. Do this 3 times a week and you would need about 1500 calories extra in your diet each week and at the same number of calories you are now eating you would lose about 4 lbs a month in fat.

Losing man boobs at the rate of 2-4 pounds every month is the acceptable norm if diet and exercise are kept to the required amount for the individual.

The recommendation to lose man boobs would be to have the a calorie intake that is at the base amount and do activities that will cut down the body fat.

I hope you enjoyed this article, I also have a review of a great product that you might want to check out here A Review of Fat Loss Secrets.


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