Lose Belly Fat Without Abs Exercises

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Want to know the answer to “What the best ab workout is for losing belly fat”? 

There is none! There is no single abs workout that can help you lose body fat the best!  If you want to learn how to get flat abs fast then keeping reading…

The problem is that most people with excess stomach fat looking to try to uncover their abs are searching for some “miracle abdominal workout” that is going to slash the fat off their abs in no time.

The thing is… they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! You don’t lose stomach fat through abs exercises. This is not how to get flat abs fast.

Allowing all of your exercise time to go to abs exercises is not going to get you to your goals of flat abs any soon.  This workout plan is not the correct way to go about it. The following are some fully body exercises that would benefit you much more greatly than if you were to do just abs exercises: presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting.

If you were to create a workout schedule, one that produces the best results in the least amount of time, these are the kinds of exercises you would be planning around. These exercises done together in the correct fashion is going to maximize your metabolism which is very important in burning off fat.

Don’t get me wrong… I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. There still is some residual work out in the abs when you do full body multi-joint combo exercises. You’ll be working out your abs directly through these indirect abs exercises.

Although we spent a lot of time on the exercises you should be doing, this is not the most important factor when trying to lose belly fat. The most important factor is your diet and nutrition. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the “king of getting a six pack”.

To be sure let’s get things straight…  Stop exerting so much of your time focusing on crunches and all those silly worthless “ab contraptions” in your efforts to try to develop ripped abs. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Put that together with a well balanced diet without processed junk food and you’ll be seeing those flat abs in record speed!  Find out more about how to get flat abs fast at RapidAbs.com!


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