Lose 15 Pounds Quickly

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

A common goal that many people have is to lose weight quickly. And we can’t deny that in general society likes things done fast. No wonder many of us are now eating so much fast food and piling on the weight.

While we all know weight goes on quickly, it comes off very slowly. But if you know some inside secrets there ways to get your body to lose fat quickly and you can lose 15 pounds fast if you need to.

To lose fat fast, check out Lose 15 Pounds Quickly

When you want to lose 15 pounds fast you need to make sure that is your single most important goal. No midnight snacks, no saying that you’ll start the diet tomorrow, and definitely do not think that just by cutting back on a few calories you can lose 15 pounds fast.A diet and exercise plan is essential if you want to lose 15 pounds fast. If you can keep up your exercise and diet then you can lose 15 pounds fast.

The Best Food to Consume

There is one thing you need to be sure of. To lose 15 pounds fast you need to implement a diet plan that in one way or another cuts some of calories, including cutting back on your favorite fast foods and drinks. Cutting back on these things isn’t easy so you need to make sure that over the time you are dieting you are 100% committed to losing those 15 pounds otherwise it just won’t work for you.

This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself within a whisker of fainting. There are lots of different foods that will keep your body operating at an optimal level and provide you with energy to exercise and get your heart rate up.

To lose fat fast, check out How to Lose 15 Pounds Fast

To lose 15 pounds try this great tip. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables in place of carbohydrates like rice, bread, and pasta. No I’m not saying you should become a vegetarian but if you want to lose 15 pounds fast then this is a proven method.

It’s also important to make sure you are eating protein with all your meals. It’s a little different between women and men, but as a guideline women should be aiming for 3 ounces of protein sources from lean skinless chicken, fish or lean meat and men aim for 4 to 5 ounces of the same with every meal.

Just remember that it isn’t only meats that contain protein. Protein can also be found in foods such as cottage cheese.

When you want to lose 15 pounds fast you must remain disciplined in everything you eat. It’s different from when trying to lose weight in a longer period of time which means you can cut some corners as you go. You have to follow you plan down to every meal and exercise if you want to lose 15 pounds fast.

Without sugar coating (excuse the pun) what needs to be done, you must cut out all alcohol, soda, high sugar foods, limit fats, fast food and reduce the amounts of breads, pastas and rice that you eat. As hard as this sounds, its the first few days that are the hardest, and the best thing that I have seen in a lot of people is that once they get over those few days, they end up cutting those things out of their diets forever meaning they are healthier and can better manage their weight.

Here’s a tip on sugary treats. Leave them completely out of your diet and don’t tempt yourself by buying a treat for your ‘partner’ or child and then end up eating it yourself. Sugar is like a thief in the night and will continually steal away from you all the other hard work you are doing to lose weight.

You NEED to Exercise

Okay I now exercise isn’t popular but if you want to lose 15 pounds fast you need to get active. When I say exercise I mean a routine that you gets you up and moving 3 to 4 times a week.

And because you are aiming for a high weight loss in a short time span, the exercise that you do is very important. It’s time to throw yourself into some total body cross-training exercises and to ditch the yoga.

A lot of people are worried when they here the words cross-training but don’t let it get to you. Once people try cross training they experience fast fat loss and actually need to exercise less because of how effective it is.

For a review of the best fat loss guides, check out Best Fast Fat Loss Guides

Another quick tip. The next time you exercise at the gym don’t do the ‘normal’ jog on the treadmill. Instead try some of different routine like the rowing machine and stationary bike.

Try this. Jump on the treadmill to warm up for 10 minutes and follow it up with 25 minutes on the stationary bike and 15 minutes on the rowing machine. If you’re really up the challenge try the stair climber which is a regular favourite on shows like the Biggest Loser and a proven fat loss exercise.

By changing your normal simple routine you can make an massive difference in your goal of trying to lose 15 pounds fast. The change in routine will shock your body and that’s exactly the change you need to lose the fat.

Cross training together with an improved healthy diet is a surefire way to lose 15 pounds quickly.


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