Is it safe to take appetite suppressants?
Posted at by ifydcat on category weight lossAppetite suppressants are mainly products that help a person reduce his appetite thereby giving the person an easy way to dieting way to lose weight over a period of time. They are actually of two types. On the internet, you can find appetite suppressants that can be purchased on your own, but for certain types of medications, you need a prescription from your physician. Normally, these medicines are taken three times a day, one hour before any meal.
The appetite suppressants review suggests that, using these appetite suppressants you may have temporary side effects like sleeplessness, constipation, nervousness, restlessness, rapid heartbeat and dizziness. The side effects are common, but not all people suffer from these side effects.
Blood pressure patients who suffer from high blood pressure should not take suppressants to reduce appetite. Similarly, persons suffering from an over-active thyroid gland are not supposed to use the same. As it has a tendency to cause blurred vision, patients suffering from glaucoma are advised to refrain from the use of such drugs. In addition, people suffering from diabetes problems and emotional/psychological problems are not supposed to use these appetite suppressants. Most importantly, this medication can be habit forming and has to be used with a lot of caution.
People under the influence of alcohol are advised to stay away from using the product at such times. The appetite suppressants may affect baby in the womb and hence, these medicines should not be taken by pregnant women. Lactating women should also prevent taking these suppressants becuase the drugs may affect the child as well. Children are not supposed to use this product. If you have problems related to kidney and indigestion, you should not take appetite suppressing drugs. If you wish to use appetite suppressants to lose weight inspite of your health problems, you should choose appetite suppressants review, as they contain only natural ingredients that are generally harmless.
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