How To Lose Pounds Quickly And Never Go Hungry!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

The basic formula for weight loss is to eat less than you burn off on a given day. This sounds rather easy to accomplish, but in most cases doing it this way can take a long period of time if you have a lot to lose. The more pressing issue is how to lose pounds quickly without starving your body or pumping it full of strange pills.

Skipping meals is not going to get you anywhere, so focus on what your meals are made up of and when you eat them instead. Once the food is in your system your body will start breaking it down for use as energy. In order to lose pounds you must consume less than the number of calories your body needs for immediate energy over the course of time and at any given moment.

Ideally, each meal will give your body just a little less than what it will need for sustenance until the next feeding. Obviously, you will not burn off 1,000 calories while watching TV in the evening so eating a meal that large before plopping on the couch is a surefire way to gain weight.

The time of day that you eat particular foods is another issue. You need carbohydrates because they are your main source of fuel for long workout sessions. The problem is you don’t need very many of them because they take longer to break down and provide more energy over a longer period of time.

Therefore, limit your carbs to a pre-workout snack where they are needed or cut them off completely mid-afternoon, giving your body time to burn them off before you wind down for the night.

The rest of your meals and snacks should be focused on foods that provide a lot of energy without high calorie content, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein.

Water is the last key to learning how to how to lose pounds. It keeps your stomach feeling full so you have less impulse to eat and if you drink right before a meal you are likely to get full faster and eat less.


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