How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

There are three basic body types: There are those that hold their last fat in their belly, there are those that hold their last fat in their thighs, and there are those that don’t hold their fat in any particular part of their body (just all over.) There’s nothing you can do about your body type and that is the crux of the argument I make on how to lose belly fat most effectively.

If you are someone who holds onto fat in your stomach region then you can’t change your genetics and become someone who holds onto your fat somewhere else. The only way to get rid of that fat is to lower your body’s overall body fat percentage. It’s important to understand this concept because if you don’t it’s easy to waste a lot of your time trying to do the impossible.

Probably the best example of a so called fat burning method that does not work are all of the abdominal exercise machines advertised on TV. Never waste you money or your time on “As Seen On TV” ab exercise machines because it’s impossible to pinpoint belly fat in this way. The body just doesn’t work like that. It’s impossible to pinpoint fat loss in any particular part of the body (such as the midsection) instead the real key to getting rid of your belly fat is to lower your overall body fat percentage until your body literally has no choice except to simply let go of your excess fat (including the fat covering your belly.)

This means that the real key is not targeted belly exercise but instead a metabolism boosting diet such as The Day Off Diet and exercise which burns a lot of calories and builds muscle (because each pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day even when the body is at rest.)

You should definitely avoid all low calorie diets because this approach backfires. It is definitely not the answer to the question “How can I lose belly fat fast?” Why? Because your body goes into “starvation mode” and won’t let go of your excess fat no matter how hard you try.

You can download this online diet 24/7/365. This diet plan comes with a 60 day money back refund period so if you are not completely satisfied with it for any reason you can easily get your money back. The Day Off Diet can actually be downloaded online at any time of the day, any day of the week instantly so you really have no reason to procrastinate, you should start right away.


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