How To Do The Exercises To Tone Your Legs Effectively

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

If you have a flabby and unshapely legs the tendency is you feel embarrass most of the time. Makes you uncomfortable especially if you wear your short dresses and skirts. Below are some helpful exercises to tone your legs. You can do it like everybody else!

Wall Squat with ball

Place stability ball against wall approximately lower back height.

  1. Starting Position: Lean your lower back against ball and take approximately one step forward with each foot~Do this: Place your lower back against the ball then take a single step forward with each footStarting Position: Place your lower back against the ball then move each foot a step forward. Feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart.
  2. Bend your hips and knees then lower your body until the thighs are parallel to the ground. give no chance for the knees to extend past the big toe.
  3. Repeat the first position.
  4. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position.
  5. Proper knee Allignment should be noted- you should not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Note: Take a 30 sec rest between sets.

Sidelying scissors

  1. Start by lying on your side and raising both legs slightly off the ground.
  2. kick your legs in opposite directions in a scissor type motion.
  3. Upon finishing the total number required, do it again to the other side. Instructor’s comments: don’t take a rest between sides

Adductor Raise

  1. Lie on your side and lean up on your elbow. Your top foot should be over your lower thigh.
  2. Maintaining this position and raise your lower leg keeping it straight.
  3. Repeat the required number of repetitions then do it on the other leg.Instructor’s comments: no rest between sides

High Knee Drill

  1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart.
  2. Brought your knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground.
  3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time. Trainer’s comments: remember to do a warm up for about 5 minutes.

Calf Raise

  1. Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart leaning against a ball or stand on the edge of a step on the balls of your feet with heels hanging over edge. Remember the toes should be pointing forward.
  2. Contract calves by pushing off balls of feet to raise heels up in air (standing on toes)
  3. Lower heels and repeat.
  4. Remember to keep knees slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. Trainer’s comments: 30 sec rest between sets.

Hamstring Curl with stability ball

  1. Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor.
  2. Start position: Place heels of both feet on top of stability ball Starting position: put both heels of your feet on top of stability ball First position: both heels of your feet must be placed on top of the stability ball Position: Put heels of both feet on top of stability ball. Brought your hips away from the floor.
  3. Curl heels toward glutes by flexing at the knee. Hips should remain off floor.
    Return to start position
    Maintain your stability with that ball then make use of your trunk muscle and core. If you cross your hand over your chest you are away from the base of support and this increase the level of difficulty. Trainer’s comments: don’t forget to take a thirty seconds rest between sets.

If you’re serious about having well toned legs, then taking action right now is necessary.
For more exercises that tone your legs visit us at


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