Getting The Help You Need To Lose Weight

Posted at by DietGeek on category weight loss

Losing weight is frequently included in the New Year’s Resolutions of people that live in America. Many find weight loss to be elusive and do not know how to proceed, and therefore feel overwhelmed and discouraged.

Try eating low-calorie versions of the foods you enjoy. If you are hungry, make sure that you stay strong and resist the temptation to eat poor quality foods. You can enjoy your favorite foods in lower-caloric versions and lose weight at the same time.

Use the time you spend on the phone as a time to get some exercise in. Walk around the house and up and down the stairs while talking on your phone instead of sitting. You don’t have to run in place. Simply circle the rooms in your house or try picking up a little; you will be burning calories before you know it!

Never skip a meal in the name of weight loss. When you skip meals, you will be so hungry by the time you do eat that you may make poor food choices and overeat. Not eating a meal can be detrimental to your efforts.

If you want to lose weight, go on a hike. You can bring a friend or family member with you to talk with, or spend time counting birds or plant life in your area on your walk. Hike more rigorously to burn extra calories.

Potato fans on a diet can substitute the starchy potato with cauliflower, a much healthier, low calorie alternative. All you need to do is steam some cauliflower with some onion and then turn it into a pureed mixture with poultry or vegetable stock and spices, as desired. You will have a delicious side dish for dinners with all the nutritional power of the mighty cole family (the one that includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts) with a tiny fraction of the carbs.

Make exercise a priority as you are dieting, but keep it fun. Studies show that many people struggle with staying motivated when doing physical exercises. Workout to a video game, go for a walk with a friend or play outside with the children.

Weight Loss

Keep track of your calorie consumption as the day wears on for a successful weight loss program. If you eat more calories in a day than you burn, weight loss just is not going to happen. Consuming an excess amount of calories will hinder your weight loss efforts. It can be helpful to write down the foods and calories that you eat at each sitting.

If you plan to set a goal to lose weight for this New Year, you’re off to a better start. You now have a great idea on what type of strategies to use that will give you effective, lasting and healthy weight loss. Here’s to a new year and a new you!


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