Get Your Calories Burned In A Day Now!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

In a weight loss program, the amount of calories shed off per day is known to be one of the most vital part in weight loss.  When it comes to weight loss, the number of calories taken should be less than the amount of calories that you burn.  This plays an important role in losing weight.

One of your body’s greatest gift is its ability to eliminate calories throughout the day.  Energy is needed in order for you to carry on with everyday activities and keeping your system running properly.  Conducted searches have shown that an individual can actually burn nearly 2,000 calories in a day.  You may have tried but did not succeed and now you are more dedicated to lose weight, then you need to keep a log of the number of Fit Yummy Mummy.  To explain further…

Always remember as all this information will be vital.  The intensity of your workout and your eating guide will not suffice, you will have trouble losing weight if the input in calories is more than the output in calories.  Thus it is important to learn the amount of your caloric intake in relation to the number of calories burned, and balance it accordingly with your food consumption and activities in a day.  Yes you can lose 2,000 calories in a day but if you consume 3,000 calories you will definitely not lose weight.  Your must agree that in today’s high technology and busy lifestyle, it is so easy to consume 3,000 calories.  The number of calories burn in a day needs to be calculated, but how?  Here are the guidelines…

As I said before, your body requires energy to function.  As energy is produced, calories are being burned.  The simple things like breathing and talking takes energy.  Funny thing is even if you are just sitting and thinking of the food you are about to take, you are still burning calories.  Although the amount burned is not significant.

The total number of calories that you burn in a day while at rest is called the Rasal Metabolic Rate (RMR).  You have to find out your RMR before you commit yourself into any weight loss program.  There are many health related websites that can assist in calculating that number.  To maintain your weight, all you need to do is consume the amount of calories equal to your RMR.

There are three basic categories of physical activities and they are light, moderate and heavy.

Walking, gardening and household chores fall under light workouts.  Minimum of 4 calories per minute can be utilized in these activities.

In moderate workouts such as aerobics, light weight training, cycling, your body can burn around 6 calories per minute.

Finally, in heavy workouts like power walking, high intensity training, high impact sports, hardcore mountain biking and heavy lifting can burn almost 10 calories per minute.

To lose weight, you will need to add the number of calories that you burn in a day to your personal RMR.  Also, make it a point that the calories you consumed in that day does not exceed the newly calculated (RMR plus calories burned) number.

Performing the right physical activities together with a healthy diet will help you achieve your desired weight.  It is important that you make these changes an integral part of your being.  A practical solution to problems that moms who are busy but are looking for ways to lose weight can be address by a program called Fit Yummy Mummy.

Fit Yummy Mummy gives a more positive result than any other weight loss programs as it does not base its workouts on time consuming exercises.  Mothers who are always on the go who can only have up to 30 minutes to workout will find that this program will meet her needs.  Designed to give your energy an upward spiral, these short exercises will definitely help you lose weight.

To get back into shape, do these exercises three to four times a week and you will easily lose the weight.  It is best that you monitor your calories burned and intake every day to make adjustments as you work towards your weight loss goals.

If you are looking for more ideas, have a look at Fit Yummy Mummy.


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