Foods That You Should Know In A Diet To Lose Belly Fat

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Being on a diet to lose belly fat by completely rearrange your meals won’t help if you ignoring the importance of exercise. However, if you have been doing interval and resistance training in your exercise sessions, then you just have to complement it with healthy eating habit: focusing on foods that rich in nutrients and avoiding foods that trigger fat storing.

Actually, diet to lose belly fat is no difference than any regular diet to burn fat. Why? Because focusing all your fat burning effort to shed excess fat in a specific spot is futile. That is not the way it works; your aim is to get rid all the excess fat at the same time. Check a few examples of time effective exercises to burn fat at weight loss over 40. Later when you’ve reached your body fat percentage goal, you’ll have it all: flat stomach, slender arm, and so on. Of course, you’ll have to take slightly different approach if you’ve already at your 40s; read more about this at another look at the Truth about Abs.

It’s impossible to fit a whole fat burning diet program here, but here are some facts:

1. Yes, your goal is to get rid of the extra fat, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop your fat intakes altogether; the iron rule here is recognizing healthy fat sources. This kind of fat can satisfy your appetite, control your cravings, and manage blood sugar levels. For example: nuts, seeds, and avocados. That means peanut butter also a good healthy fat source; just make sure it only has two ingredients: peanuts and salt. Stay away from peanut butter that claims to be a “low fat” product and contain various ingredients in it.

2. When you eating foods that boost your appetite, cravings, and blood sugar level, make sure to keep the portion controlled; cereals, muffins, crackers, and pasta are some examples of such foods. Also, avoid any products that made from refined flour since it will increase your blood sugar drastically.

3. Many people are taught to believe that egg yolks is the source of fat and they should avoid it at all cost. This is completely the wrong approach and it cut the benefits from eating egg since most of the vitamins are in the yolk.

This is also applied for other dairy products: butter, milk, beef, meat, etc. They are nutrient-dense healthy foods, especially the one that come from grass-fed and free-range cattle and chicken, so focus on these foods more and reduce grain-based foods consumption.

4. People always talking about whole grain, cereal, and pasta as healthy foods, but actually, the most nutrient dense part of the grain is the bran. By selecting oat bran instead of oatmeal, you’ve got more nutritional benefits while avoiding excess starches and calories.

As I said, diet to lose belly fat is no difference than regular diet to burn excess fat, so pay attention on what you eat and what you avoid. By the time you are no longer affected by food myths and able to differentiate between fat-promoting foods and healthy foods, you’ve got closer to your goal. Read the details of a program that can teach you about healthy eating habit and effective exercises to remove excess fat at another look at the Truth about Abs.


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