Do Diet Patches Really Help You Lose Weight?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most everyone wants to lose some fat these days but using diet patches isn’t the way to do it. 

Some people want more energy and some people want to improve upon poor health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.Some want to look great on their wedding day or in a brand new dress.Often, the impetus is simply a desire to see your kids or grandkids grow up.  Whatever the reason, the only way to lose weight and keep it off is through diet and exercise. 

You can’t walk down the aisle of your neighborhood pharmacy without seeing a huge selection of pills, patches, and creams, all promising instant results.These would be miracle cures simply don’t work.Even worse, in some cases, herbal based weight loss remedies can actually be dangerous to some consumers. 

Don’t be fooled by the claims that herbal diet patches can’t harm you.Some herbs can be dangerous, and others can cause harmful interactions with other medications you may take.  You wouldn’t eat strange plants and herbs without knowing what they were or if they were even safe for you to eat would you?

The FDA is becoming more aggressive about enforcing standards, and removing patches and other products from the market.  Clinical trials do not prove that herbal concoctions will help you lose fat, increase your metabolism or make the pounds melt away.Much more clinical testing is needed to determine the safety and effectiveness of these products, and the items in question should be pulled from the shelves until there is a conclusive finding.

So if you shouldn’t be using diet patches, how should you lose weight? 

The good old fashioned way is the best way.Simply eating good, nutritious food, and getting some exercise is the proven way to reduce your weight.The old fashioned way may take a little time to get rolling, but you should start seeing results by the end of your first month.The exercise you choose for your plan doesn’t need to be extreme.  30 minutes of exercise 5-7 days a week has been proven to give you the benefits of exercise.  No excuses for not having enough time in the day.Try walking on your lunch break or in the morning.Once you commit to an exercise program, you will have more energy, and you will naturally eat less.

Also, walking doesn’t cost you anything!If you are buying those pricey diet patches you really are wasting your money because they are unhealthy and unproven.  Spend the money on a new pair of walking shoes.After you have completed a full month of your new program, treat yourself to something special, like new clothes in a smaller size.Your results may not be visible right away.In just one month, you will have improved your overall fitness, and done something great for yourself, instead of resorting to unhealthy get-slim-quick diet patches!


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