Did You Make A Weight Loss Resolution? Here's How To Make It Work!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

If, even after four months, the weight loss you resolved to make back in January has failed to appear, then you need to find something constructive that will actually help. Tons of people put weight loss resolutions on their list every New Year, and if you tallied each one, you would think that obesity would disappear by the next year!

Unfortunately, less than 10% of these individuals follow through with their resolutions to the end of the year. Read on to get three basic tips that will help you beat the odds and fulfill your weight loss resolution this year.

The reasons people don’t succeed in keeping their New Years resolutions are few and simple.

1. Many times, they do not set goals for themselves that are attainable. How can you do what you vow, when the goals you have set are unreachable? You are setting yourself up for complete failure or, at best, very little success, if you set a vaguely worded goal like “lose all my extra weight fast.” If, however, you word your goal to state that you are going to lose a percentage of your body fat by following a healthy program, you set yourself up for success!

Remember that no genuine “quick weight loss” plan exists to aid you in losing FAT, the one thing necessary to get thinner! Usually the only thing these types of flashy diets do, is make you dehydrated, burn up valuable muscle mass, and cause your body to be in worse shape than before you started dieting. To lose extra weight, the only things you need to keep in mind is regular exercise and eating healthy! You won’t have to throw money away on diet fads or supplements!

b) People aim too high:  The majority of people make the error of aiming too high, thus wind up accomplishing too little. If you can make sure that the goals you set for yourself are short term, then you have a much better chance to lose weight.

Here is an example of a short-term goal: the amount of weight that you want to lose is 15 pounds. So, to be better able to reach your goal, instead of wanting to lose 15 pounds, since this will take a pretty long time, why not aim to lose 5 pounds instead? You know that you will be able to lose five pounds easily in under a month! When this happened, you would stay motivated and want to keep losing more and more weight, and soon you would be much thinner and in better shape.

c) People fail to reward themselves:  If you fail to reward yourself once in a while, you will have a reason to keep up with your weight loss program. How many times have you worked very hard for nothing in return? There is no way you would do that. The same argument can be made for weight loss.

Remember that reward does not mean that is has to be something trivial, but it could come in other creative ways like getting a manicure, having your hair done, going to a spa, purchasing new clothing, etc.

Learn more about how you can Strip That Fat by visiting Fat Burning Furnace Review.


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