Determine What Your Weight Should Be – BMI Will Help

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

The number you see on the scale is a good start to determine what your weight should be. That number does tell us a lot but it does not tell us everything we need to know. It is only half the battle.

Knowing what your BMI should be is the best way to determine what your weight should be. Your BMI is factored using your height and weight in a basic math equation.

Your BMI is figured by first taking your current weight and multiplying that by 703. Take that result and divide it by your height converted to inches. Take that result and again divide it by your height converted to inches. The resulting number is your BMI.

Ideally, your BMI would be in the healthy range. The healthy range is having a BMI that falls between 18. 5 and 24. 9. This is where you want to strive to be. A BMI of 25 to 29. 9 is regarded to be overweight. Anything over that is regarded to be obese. Also, on the low end of the scale, anything under 18. 5 is regarded to be underweight.

Now that you know your BMI, you will have a general idea of where you are health wise. The higher your number, the more at risk you are for health problems. High blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks and premature death are among the common risk factors.

The BMI is an average so take it with a grain of salt. Strive to be in the healthy range but also take into consideration your body frame. If you have a greater frame, your body can hold a little extra weight. On the flip side, if you have a frame on the small side, you can still be healthy and be in the low range.

Know your body and determine what your weight should be off of those factors. No one single calculation is a guarantee but it is a very good estimate of what you should shoot for.


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