Destroy Your Junk Food Cravings

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most people suffer from emotional eating. Their mind controls their eating habits and they eat too much. If this sounds familiar, then this principle will help break the worst of your habits. I call it the addition rule.

The principle behind this rule is very powerful. Whenever you take something away from your life, you need to add something to fill the void. Nature abhors a vacuum and will fill up the empty space.

When you add fresh fruits or vegetables to your meals it will cause you to flush body fat naturally. Let’s take this example so that you can understand what I’m talking about. If you are trying to give up white bread (guaranteed fat producer), You must replace it with either a whole grain wrap or sprouted bread such as Ezekiel bread.

Once that is accomplished, then decrease your intake and start adding  raw fruit or (preferably a vegetable)  every time you eat your replacement food.

This has four specific benefits:

  • Eating these raw, give you much needed digestive enzymes that are needed to break down your food. Processed foods do not give you this.
  • The fiber in the fruit or vegetables expands in your stomach and fills you up faster so you don’t eat as much
  • Fruits and Veggies push other foods through your digestive tract cleaning out yucky debris and pulling out toxins.
  • It provides the body with much needed vitamins and minerals

Next, let’s go over part 2 of this rule: “eat your fiber first”

Eating fiber first (salad) clears your digestive tract and prepares it for your meal.

When eaten with other food, fresh fruits and vegetables literally clear a place for the rest of your food and detoxifies your large intestine. This in itself will help you lose fat naturally.

For instance, when you eat pasta, make sure that you eat your salad (minus all the heavy dressing) before you eat anything else. If you are eating ice cream, add an apple and eat it first.

Adding the fruits and veggies fills you up faster and you won’t eat as much. Plus, you will be getting a good dose of anti-oxidants!

Now, add a raw fruit or vegetable to every meal that you eat and not just your snacks!

Dr Livingston is a chiropractic physician who has thousands of hours studying and researching cleansing the body, fat loss and advanced nutritional testing. He is also the author and creator of which teaches healthy “green” principles for shedding weight fast and naturally with no drugs or surgery.


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