Can You Make Use Of Color to Lower Your Weight?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Think of the fast food restaurants you’ve eaten in. The color schemes tend towards oranges, reds, and yellows. Picture Ronald McDonald with his yellow suit and red hair. This isn’t done accidentally. These colors are chosen purposefully by restaurants because they make you feel hungry. Colors have psychological effects on us: if we see someone dressed all in black we perceive them differently from someone who is dressed in yellow. We would probably see the yellow dresser as happy while the black dresser is seen as depressed, sad, or dreary. Color has a huge impact on our lives and on our appetites.

A lot of the foods we eat are red, orange, yellow, and green. When we see foods of this color our brains tell us that it is good to eat. Surrounding yourself with those colors further encourages you to eat. While this is good for restaurant owners, it is not so good for your diet. If your kitchen or dining room is red, orange, or yellow, you may want to rethink your color scheme. If you have dishes in these hues, try switching them. Pick up fat loss revealed for more respectable workout routines.

What should you replace your orange dishware with? Try blue. Blue foods occur much more rarely in nature than do red, orange, yellow, and green foods. It used to be a signal to our ancestors that a food might be poisonous. Perhaps this evolved until we get to the present, where the sight of blue food is unappealing. Imagine blue bread, blue eggs, and blue mashed potatoes. Just the very color taps into our primal brain and tells us not to eat. Even in packages of M&Ms, the most popular colors are red, yellow, and orange. The red ones were pulled due to concerns about the dye that was used in 1979. Overwhelming customer demand brought the color back in 1987, with a new and improved dye. For greater results try out fat loss revealed to facilitate your learning.

Is changing your décor and dishware to blue tones going to cause you to lose 10 pounds? What about 20 pounds? Not by itself. Nothing works without diet and exercise, and changing color schemes isn’t a cure-all. But it is a tool you can put in your arsenal. Any help you can get will help you get closer to your weight loss goals. It definitely can’t hurt anything to give this color theory a try, and it just might be a step in the right direction. For more skilful outcomes sample warp speed fat loss to facilitate your instruction.


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