Boosting Metabolism for Weight Loss 3 Great Ways.

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss


Does it seem like what you eat goes straight to your hips, stomach or thighs and yet your skinny friend can eat whatever and not have a any trouble.By understanding the metabolism you discover that two people can eat identical foods, exercise the same but you’ll see that one puts on weight and the other one doesn’t.

Before going on on losing weight

Food has calories that are changed into the energy we need to fuel out body, this word is the label – Metabolism.Any calories that haven’t been changed into energy become fat.The rate at which food is converted into energy is different for each person.So, the people who don’t gain weight when they eat a lot of food have more efficient bodies that change the calories into energy.

Don’t worry though, not all is lost because there are steps you can boost your metabolism.Now if we do this, much more of the food is then burned for energy and less is put into body fat.Here are three easy ways you can boost your metabolism.

1.  At all times eat breakfast.

So you’ve heard this a million times before, but it is a absolute fact.It’s a pity that lots of people do skip breakfast, because if you’re trying to lose weight then you really should be eating breakfast.Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism as well as providing the energy you need to get you through the busy part of the day without resorting to the convenience of junk food.

2. Try eating less but more frequently.

Going more than three hours without eating makes the body think that food is scarce and so it will slow down the metabolism.To assist the metabolism to speed up the advice is to eat about six times a day.Snacking is in!  However, don’t eat the junk food, the six small meals should be mainly lean meat, complex carbohydrates green veges and fruit.

3.  Fidget  a Lot!

Remember those skinny, high-metabolism folk, let’s take another look at them.Where’s all the extra energy going from all that food he/she is converting? Research suggests that fidgeting burns the extra energy and naturally thin people tend to fidget a lot. .Watch them, even when they’re sitting down, they are rarely still.Try to copy them.  Whenever you’re sitting just wiggle your feet.

This is just a start to boosting your metabolism and losing weight.

If you enjoyed this article go to my website.on losing weight


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