Blast Those Love Handles Away For Good

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Why is it known as love handles? Because, let’s be honest, who actually loves them? For men especially, love handles can be a very annoying problem with the stubborn blobs of fat that hangs at the sides of the midsection. Unless you possess the appropriate techniques, they’re quite impossible to get rid of, so let’s check out what the appropriate techniques are all about!

To find out all the details you need to know about eliminating love handles, be sure to check out: Reduing unwanted love handles.

To our disappointment, to eliminate fat from a certain spot only is but a fairy-tale. In order to have results for one spot, what you need to do is target all your fat. There are however exercises once that fat is gone to define the section. To put it briefly, at least three times a week, but ideally five times, you should go for some cardio, which will increase your metabolism. Aerobics as well as a good run or swim will help you consume a whopping four hundred calories in one hour.

Next on the priority list is watching what you eat. It is very simple: to slim down, you should take in a smaller number of calories than you burn. This can sometimes be referred to as calorie deficit. This in combination with the cardio workouts mentioned above give you a fast approach to get results.

An easy way  for you to proceed on the way to changing the foods you eat is using the food swap technique. This simply means instead of having one type of food, swap it for something else. For example, swap crisps, cookies or chocolates for a fruit or vegetable snack instead. A simple and effective way to start changing unhealthy eating habits.

As soon as you’ve reduced some of your fat, throw in these simple exercises as well:

Leg flutters

This particular workout contributes to building up the back muscles, which in turn will ensure the front ones are properly supported. Lie back on the floor with your head slightly elevated. Have your arms straight down, palms on the floor. Lift your knees and feet and keep them there till you reach a count of 20, then relax your legs and “flutter” them as quickly as possible.

Twist crunches

Similar to crunches, these are another great way to target the love handle area. From lying on the floor with your knees bent and hands behind your head (which is slightly lifted), bend at the core in a move that will allow your left elbow to nearly touch your right knee. Once there breathe while you count to 3, then come back to the floor. Continue for the other side and aim to do 25 of these.

Standing trunk twists

This workout is very effective for both burning fat and toning muscle. Whilst standing with your feet wide apart, keeping your hips and your legs stable, twist to the left. Come back to center and then turn to the right, then work the number of repetitions to one hundred.

Just a reminder that if you are looking for a great free site with lots more information about losing love handles and a range of other weight loss tips, product reviews and suggestions, then check out Reduing unwanted love handles.

Tae Bo

Tae Bo is an ideal workout that not only works to tone your obliques, but also provides you with a good cardio workout. When you twist to kick and punch, the love handle area is worked and targeted whilst also reducing fat from the body. If you opt out of an actual class, you can choose one the many DVD versions available on the market.

Weight Training

Are you familiar with how weight training can contribute to fat loss by stimulating an increase in metabolism? For a bonus, try training you abs section with weights as well for a double effect!

If you follow the suggestions above for at least 3- 5 times weekly at half an hour or preferably more per session and combine them with a healthy calorie controlled diet, there is no reason why you won’t start seeing some amazing results of your efforts in just a matter of weeks.

Obviously, the time it takes different individuals of different sizes and with different eating as well as workout habits to get rid of the annoying love handles will not be the same. While at times the weight loss is fast, it tends to become slower as the workout, if kept at the same intensity, fails to challenge the body to the same extent. If that happens, a few solutions would be to add variety to your exercise, have more protein in your meals or reduce the fat intake from your food.

Overall though, it is not that difficult to get a firmer waist line and well worth investing some time and energy into saying good bye to this problem forever. Your trimmed looks and added self confidence will be self evident.

I really hope you enjoyed this article. We also have a review of another great product that you might want to check out here: Reduing unwanted love handles.


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