Best Way to Lose Belly Fat – Is Your Head Spinning With Information Overload?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

A lot of people are always looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat. Most people end up trying the fad diets, weight watchers, and the miracle gimmicks that you see on infomercials. The best way to lose belly fat is simple. It is a enhances combination of good food choices, resistance training, and a certain type of cardio called interval training. I want you to learn the best exercise to lose belly fat. It is important you know that you need to do each of the things I mentioned above in a very specific way for belly fat loss to be the result.

Lets take a look at what those specifics are.

1. Choose your food wisely.

The two main things to remember here are to create a caloric deficit and avoid low glycemic “bad carbs”. In order to avoid bad carbs, you need to cut out the fast food, soda, white bread, and other junk food. These will defintely increase your blood sugar. The higher your blood sugar, the more insulin is released to store it as fat.

2. Resistance training is great for fat loss.

Everyone think that resistance training will make them get “big and bulky.” This is simply not true. If you want to best way to lose belly fat, resistance training has to play a big role. You will not get big muscles unless you train and eat like a bodybuilder.

3. Try alternate training.

This is a different avenue to losing belly fat than the traditional long cardio routines that most people do at the same speed. Alternate training is great because it is faster and more effective.

This will help you to increase your metabolism and is the fastest way to lose belly fat. So if you are looking for the best way to lose belly fat, don’t buy into the over exaggerated ads diets and gimmicks. Also, don’t try to do lots of crunches and go on some extreme diet either. Just use the right combination I showed you above and you will be on your way to losing belly fat in no time!



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