Drop Weight Without Sacrificing Flavor

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

So you have decided that you are unhappy with your current weight and you want to do something about it? Congratulations! But you need not worry too much as changing your diet to include healthier options does not mean that you will be stuck munching on lettuce, celery and carrots.

By altering the way that you cook and some of the ingredients that you use you will be able to drop the pounds without having to ditch your roasting pan. In many cases we tend to rely on animal products such as butter and fats to add flavor to our meals. A healthier option is to reduce the use of these products and add more spice to your meals. An extra benefit of spices is that some of them are able to increase your metabolism and burn off calories faster.

In order to be really effective weight loss needs to involve a long term commitment to eating well rather than a short term diet. If you rely on diets to help you drop weight, then it may end up backfiring on you. When you go on an extreme diet your body goes into survival mode and starts to stockpile extra resources where it can – that means that you will lose weight, but you will also be slowing down your metabolism. If you are a yo-yo dieter, then you will eventually burn out your metabolism and you will end up worse off than you started.

The answer is eating sensibly all the time rather than going extreme. Diets that work tend to be more about lifestyle changes than eating water cress soup and nothing else for a week at a time. The first thing you need to do is work out what you are really eating.

The best way to analyze your diet is by keeping a food diary for a set period of time. This will give you a lot of valuable information that you can use to structure your diet better. It will indicate the areas that you need to improve your diet, it will show you the nutrients that you are missing out on and it will also show you the times of the day or week that you are more likely to weaken and eat something that is high in fat or sugar.

You should also try to learn about the different properties of the foods that you eat and in this way you will not get suckered in by foods that claim to be healthy or light and yet are full of empty calories and sugar or fat.

The more you know about your body and diet the better placed you are to make healthy decisions for it. Looking after your health is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.


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