Discover A 1 Week Fat Loss Boost

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

By putting a little extra emphasis for a week, you can jump start your fat loss and build some muscle that will get your fat off your body and you metabolism up.You can jump start a sagging program (or belly) by using this one-week worth of daily drills that can help you reach new heights of fitness and strength. You can tell people how you’re doing in the weight loss forum.

You’ll be amazed at the kind of results you will get by making the most out of a very brief period each day.To make the most of your time, you need to spend a few moments planning what you’re going to do with your fitness, health, and body composition goals.

Still, if you are really busy and can’t afford that time, here I’m going to give you a seven day program that will giver you a simple routine to burn some extra flab. Be sure to go get you some decent health food for the next week so you are ready to use your diet to your advantage while you are on this plan.

Day #1. Get the strength and intervals you normally do out of the way. Warm-upusing some good bodymass drills and then get down for a super set of one-legged moves like the split-squat or dumb-bell chest-press.

Make sure you do three groups of eight reps each.Get out the balancing ball to do some leg-curls and then get your bells for some rows. This mega set should be done 3 cycles with each movement performed 12 times. This will get you some rapid weight loss.

Wrap things up with about 20 mins of a cardio interval period. You’ll get a good fat burn that way.

Tue: Half an hour of something you like should be added to your day. I mean, if you’re craving some useless slow-cardio, go for it! You can even count running around town, cleaning house, digging ditches or playing a sport. I want you to relax and have fun because it’s very important to be active every day of your life.

Day #3. Do the first day’s routine again only get you some proteins ingested before you begin and right after you’re finished. You’ll soon lose 20 pounds.



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