10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

You are more likely to be diabetic, have heart disease, high blood pressure and have strokes when you are overweight. Going through surgery when your overweight puts you at more risk for fatality.Everyone knows that if you need to burn more calories than you eat if you want to have successful weight loss. Most weight loss programs today try to promise you the world if you buy their program.  Here are some not diet and still lose weight that you can easily bring into your everyday life.

1. Wear blue. The color blue is an appetite suppressant. Most fast food chain restaurants refrain from using the color blue in their interior because it suppresses appetites. Try serving your meals on blue dishes, while eating, wear blue and use a blue tablecloth. Avoiding the colors red, orange or yellow can help you lose weight because those colors encourage appetites. This is a good way to not diet and still lose weight.

Think you are taking in more calories than you really are by adding 10% to your diet,adapt the way you eat to fit your new calorie intake goal. Your new number to your calorie intake is more likely accurate if you add 10% on top of that, for example your daily intake is 1,500 and you add 150 more calories to what your eating. 

Monitor what you eat on weekends. A study from the University of North Carolina found that people consume an extra 300 calories on weekends, due to alcohol and fat. People take in more calories during the weekend, about 500 more, from a study at the University of North Carolina. Remember, they’re other ways to take in calories other than eating them.   Sometimes we drink them.

4. After every meal, brush your teeth. Having that clean, minty fresh breath you get after brushing your teeth, will trick your brain and body that your done eating. You can trick you brain and body that your done eating by brushing your teeth after every meal. Very similar to how your brain processes brushing your teeth before bedtime, if you don’t want that taste of toothpaste with food, you don’t eat after you brush your teeth.

5. Kissing passionately can help with weight loss. You can burn 6.4 calories per minute by a good make out session says the Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex. Just by kissing passionately 10 minutes a day, 23,000 calories can be burned a year!

6. Only on a growling stomach should you eat
. A huge amount of people eat when they are bored, nervous, frustrated or because it’s a habit. Only eat when you hear your belly grumbling. It is more likely cravings if you want something specific instead of hunger.

7. Eating restaurant style can help you lose weight
. Eating restaurant style (one plate with food) instead of family style (large platters in the middle of the table) can help monitor the amount of calories you take in because when your done you are done, no second helpings.When you’ve eaten everything on your plate, you are finished.

8.Go on walks before your meals. Walking can help burn more calories and suppress your appetite. This is a great weight loss secret.

9. Go nuts! instead of a snack loaded with sugar. Even though they are high in calories, they can help you lose weight. Nuts are also very filling and satisfying.

10. Watch yourself eat in a mirror
. There was a study that was done that told us that people ate 1/3 less of their meal when a mirror was put in front of them.By watching yourself in the mirror while you eat can remind you why are doing this.

You can increase the amount of weight you want to lose if you follow these ten simple tips.

Follow these ten easy ways to lose weight and you’ll be boosting the effectiveness of any weight loss program that you might be doing.


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