Eat More To Lose Weight

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

For most people, it seems that the idea of ‘eat more to lose weight’ is not plausible even those trying to lose 10 pounds fast. The risks when you try a starvation diet that is commonly believed as the fast weight loss diet, is so severe. The damage to your body’s weight management systems can be so huge that you can end up fighting obesity for the rest of your life. You can live a healthier life and avoid tremendous damage.

It is important to first understand the relationship between metabolic rate and eating frequency. But to achieve that, you need to know the effects on the body when you starve it for more than three hours. When your body is deprived of the necessary nutrients to work properly, your brain signals your body to go on a preservation mode; a state where your body hibernates.

Your starvation trigger is initiated in this mode. Starvation trigger is a survival instinct that slows down the metabolic rate to ensure that body will burn fat as slow as possible so it will maintain the minimum energy level to survive over a period of time under harsh conditions. Therefore, your fat is preserved in this mode.

There is an increase in the production of insulin and other enzymes that helps store food as fat. Therefore, in your next meal, your body stores more fat than usual. Finally, you increase your food intake when you deprive yourself of food for more than three hours. You get the feeling of having eaten everything that was served on the table on Christmas day. Fats are not burned this way. When this happens, your metabolism slows down and fat is stored in your body.

Eat more often to lose weight.

The fast way to lose weight is to eat smaller servings more frequently. You can maintain your ideal metabolic rate if you eat every two hours and this will also keep you away from over-eating. Having fruits and vegetables for snacks between meals will help you maintain the energy that you need and not have your ‘fat-storing’ mode initiated. These are healthy diet plans.

You need to plan out. The next time you shop, buy some healthy provisions for snacks and go for metabolism boosting foods. Try a piece of celery with fresh almonds to go with your mashed boiled egg with cottage cheese or cream cheese. Be creative and make sure that healthy snacks are available so you can avoid eating junk food. Grab something to eat every two hours.

Small portion for a small gut.

Make it a habit to use a small plate at home and when you’re in a restaurant, try to ask for their child’s size serving.A broth soup will help when you begin your meal with it. It will help if you’re able to eat 80% of your food before four o’clock. You can either do these:  drink a glass of water 10 minutes before your meal or eat a piece of dark chocolate. Both of these ideas will take the edge off your appetite.

The tendency of the body is to use food when it is consumed and keep it when not in use. It’s not the quantity of food you take in a day that matters. It is the number of times you eat in a day that does. This is the reason why you should eat more to lose 10 pounds fast . Have a large breakfast, snack through to lunch, snack in the afternoon and have a small meal at night. Have you had anything to eat the past three hours?  If none, it’s about time that you take your food.



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