Don't Risk Your Life With These 3 Weight Loss Myths

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

You’ve probably encountered a huge variety of weight loss tips if you’ve ever picked up any kind of health magazine. While a few of these tips are effective, many others can actually be harmful. The ineffective weight loss techniques usually involve fad dieting, pills, and weight loss supplements. As always, it’s the simpleness of diet and exercise advice that really work for people.

The weight loss industry often offers misleading information or just plain myths, and other people will tweak the truths because they are ignorant or it’s to their advantage to do so. This article will address three big myths of weight loss.

Myth #1 : Reducing fat in specific spots is possible. This isn’t true at all, and I’m certain that any and every expert on weight loss would agree. It’s impossible to make your body eliminate fat in any one specific spot, regardless of which workouts you add to your regimen. If you try to reduce your excess belly fat by doing frequent leg lifts and crunches, you’ll start to see your abdomen’s muscle mass reduce far faster than your actual belly fat will. This is when you should be including a healthy diet to help speed up your metabolism so it can help burn fat faster, instead of focusing on crunches or leg lifts as the only option.

Myth #2 : You can reduce body fat by dropping calorie intake drastically. This is a myth that has harmed people by forcing them into crash diets. Even though people think crash dieting will melt those extra pounds, they need to realize they are hurting their bodies more than helping them. Truthfully, if you start to starve your body, it will sense that you are trying to kill it, an it will enter a self-preserving ‘starvation mode’. As your body is in starvation mode, your metabolism will slow down, and it will start to burn your muscles for energy instead of burning your excess fat, as usual. So now, not only are you not achieving the desired result of losing fat, but you are undermining your health by putting your body’s muscle in jeopardy. You will gain back extra weight when you start back to a normal diet.

Myth #3: The only type of exercise that will assist in your weight loss is cardio: False. Yes, Cardio is useful in helping you lose fat, but aerobics are an excellent alternative with the same benefits. Actually, the fact is that the actual amount of fat loss while doing aerobics or cardio exercise is almost identical. For another healthy alternative, try weightlifting. You get the fat burning benefits of aerobics and cardio, with the added bonus of continued fat burning even after your workout has ended! The most efficient choice for permanent fat loss is combining weight lifting and cardio exercise.

I very much hope that you can find effective weight loss by using the tips that I have presented above.

If this information was helpful and you would like more then check out Fat Loss Revealed for those who are over 40 years old feel free to visit Fit Over 40 as it’s a program design for those 40 years and over.


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