Use Calorie Counting For Weight Loss

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Why is it called weight loss for idiots? It is actually very simple. There is one primary reason that people are overweight. That reason is nothing else but FOOD.

The idiot’s easy way to lose weight is to use that food as a weapon to combat the result of misuse of food. This is similar to judo in that you use the momentum and the strength of an opponent against themselves.
The key is not in starving and not in eating bland prepackaged diet food. The key is using food to get your body do what you want it to do.

Your body has been conditioned to expect and want what you have conditioned it to accept. You have to eat more often to lose weight. Eating less often will cause your body to think it is not going to get nourishment on a regular basis. Calorie counting will really work if you can stick to it. The problem with calorie counting is, that it is very difficult and a long process. The best and most effective way to lose weight is what is known as calorie shifting. This is a very effective way to increase your metabolism. You need to convince your body that it can burn the calories faster. The right way to do this is by never letting it need anything.

Your body likes to have some things and will get bored if it doesn’t get them. Your body likes carbs and any weight loss plan that limits carbs in an extreme way is a very distressing way to lose weight. Some very popular diets require that you do not eat even an apple. This does not seem on the surface to be a healthy way to lose weight. Not even your favorite apple. If you need to lose weight, food currently rules you. The key to permanent weight loss is to master food so that it is your primary weapon. Food is not the enemy and it is a very willing servant if you choose to master it. Use the natural weapons at your own disposal in your weight loss fight. Use both your body and food. That is why it is called weight loss 4 idiots.



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