Do You Know What Your Calorie Burn Target Is?

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most of us know that to lose weight, we need to burn more calories than what we consume. That is the bottom line. We can grow frustrated trying to calculate some magical formula that will show us exactly what we need to target to lose the weight. This can be made A LOT easier with the proper tools!

This tracking endeavor can be much easier because of all of the different programs that are available today. In this article, the focus will be on the bodybugg 24 Hour Fitness which we’ve come to know from the hit TV show The Biggest Loser. On the Biggest Loser,contestants can be seen wearing the bodybugg armband while working out and it seems to be able to accurately measure the calorie burn that is necessary for the individual to be able to lose weight on a weekly basis.

There are two main parts to the calorie tracking system. There are five main changes that are detected in your body while wearing the device that make the calorie burn measurement possible

These measurements are:

*Heat: the heat that your muscles produce in the surrounding environment
*Temperature of your skin
*How much you are sweating or the skin responsiveness
*The number of steps that you take while walking, running or moving in general
*General motion of the body

On the TV show, you never see the contestants working out without the Biggest Loser bodybugg on their arm. It becomes a BIG part of their life and weight loss journey. The benefits seem to far outweigh the slight annoyance at having to wear the device pretty much for most of the day. Most people say that it is fairly easy to get used to wearing the armband and after a short time hardly even notice that it is there at all.

The next part of the system is an online application that allows you to upload the data from the armband to your personalized system. The software element is PC or Mac compatible, user-friendly and free for the first six months of your initial purchase. Once you enter everything that you’ve eaten that day into the system,you will then connect your armband and upload the calories that you’ve burned for the day. The program tracks individual activies, daily total calories burned as well and and actual number per minute of calories that you have burned.

The software component is meant to be personalized to suit your needs and goals. Enter in targets and you can easily track your progress from day to day as you move toward achieving your weight loss goals. An additional digital display can be purchased to go along with your bodybugg 24 Hour Fitness device. This is not a requirement, but it would allow you to track your results without having to download your armband details to the
computer program.

If you are having a problem losing weight because of the time and hassle required to calculate just how many calories you need to burn, this would be the perfect program to get you started on your journey to seeing some serious results.


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