3 Effective Tips For Reducing Belly Fat

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most people have the ability to develop a lean body with a toned stomach. Why then are so many people obese? The answer is that we waste time on ineffective methods of diet and exercise that don’t remove those ugly rolls of fat.

It’s time to stop making excuses why you can’t lose adominal fat, and finally do something to blast off those unwanted pounds. Here are 3 tips to help you reduce belly fat.

1. Diet. No, I don’t mean live on boring food for the rest of your life. But you have to be aware of what you eat and put into your body. You need to think of food as fuel for your body. Would your car run at peak performance levels if you pumped dirty, watered-down gasoline into its tank? Of course not! If you want toned abs, you need to put focus on eating the right food. You work out effectively and burn fat if you don’t fuel your body for performance. Lose the sodas, drink plenty of water and get rid of over-processed foods that add nothing in the way of fiber, vitamins or minerals to your diet. Go for natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, heart-healthy oils and lean, unprocessed meats.

2. Give Up Low-Intensity Cardio. Love to spend hours on the treadmill or elliptical machine, but haven’t really seen any weight loss? You need to switch to lose adominal fat for effective fat loss. It’s been proven to speed up fat loss with less time spent exercising. Interval training is switching up your workouts with hard bursts of exercise alternated with shorter periods of moderate activity. For example, sprint as hard as you can for 50 yards, walk back, rest for 30 seconds and repeat. You only need about twenty minutes of interval training to burn as many calories as you did in your old slower cardio method.

3. Don’t be Afraid to Lift Weights. Women, this one is for you. Many women shy away from lifting anything but lightweight weights, thinking if they use heavier weights they will build large, bulky muscles like men have. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women do not have enough natural testosterone to build this type of muscle. If you see women bodybuilders with huge muscles, you can bet that they had help in the form of supplements to get that way. If you switch to heavier weights – and this applies to men as well – you will build more interval training, which has the effect of kick starting your metabolism to burn more calories even when you’re at rest.

If you develop good nutrition habits, incorporate interval training and weight lifting into your exercising, I guarantee that you will make huge improvements in your physique.


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