Food Addiction and Help

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

If you want to know how you can stop food cravings then you need to eat smaller portions of food – that’s the straight forward answer. I have heard this line a different times before and used to say it a lot at my work place, while watching some of my friends eat, at home, at parties. I would like to spend some time and write about magnesium food craving.

Let start by saying that eating a lot does not consequentially lead to cravings for food or gaining of weight but it is the choice of food you eat. If you eat certain types of foods more often may result to heightened levels of cravings and taking or eating another group of foods may help stop them. Yes, there is some good food out there that can really help you get over your deadly habit. Let me make an example here, you can choose to take some vitamins in order to stop them such as B vitamins – also known as b-vitamins. These are essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates into the simple sugar glucose. There is plenty if food that contains b-complex vitamins. For example, you can find them in rice, liver, meats, whole-grain cereals fruits, fish, milk, leafy green vegetables and eggs.

Chemical imbalances in our body aggravate cravings for food and feeding the right kind of food in to our system will enable the body to gain access to much needed nutrients and in the process control chemical imbalances. If you are a woman understanding this information can help you even when you are premenstrual and want some foods that fight PMS.

This is why you will often come across commercial that promote weight loss programs saying you do not have to cut back on your eating habits. What the scientists do is create some anti depressants that help produce the kind of resources, which are used to stimulate the production of certain resources so that is remains healthy and cravings free. They have since understood what needs to be present in your body in order to make you feel good, find eating desiresand lose some weight while maintaining a huge part of your eating habits.

Although I do believe in the science of the antidepressants, I am not, however, a huge fan mainly because they can have drastic side effects for some users such a irritability, nausea, etc. Personally I am a huge fan of natural remedies and cures and these are done by understanding the body’s chemical structure and then help balance it up by eating the right kind of food.

I hope so far you can relate even if you are dealing with stop PMS cravings

You can easily control your eating habits without spending thousands on useless and artificial products. For example, in order to stop PMS cravings, I normally tell people to just do the following, watch your emotional triggers that provoke your cravings, exercise often as this has a good effect on your mood, everytime you feel like eating something especially something sweet just drink a glass of water as this can help a lot also replace your junk food with some healthy food for example, eat chocolates that have not fat.



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