Three Day Diet

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

The 3-Dy Diet has clearly traveled a long way into various bookstores and online websites, from just being an exclusive method in the 1980’s. It applies the idea of creating a “specific metabolic reaction” by giving only a strict menu of food choices. The diet goes like a cycle. For three days, you would have to observe and follow exact meal menus. And then for the next five days, you are free to eat anything you wish. After that, you go back to the three-day meal plan. If you fail to abide by this, the diet would not work at all.

First Day of Diet

Each of the days of the diet has different food choices but of the same calorie measures. When followed perfectly, it is said you would lose up to 10 pounds immediately. For breakfast, there usually is one cup of coffee (plain black), half of a grapefruit and a toast (with 1Tbsp peanut butter spread). For lunch, there is also the piece of toast (without the peanut butter), the cup of coffee (still plain black), and a can of tuna. For dinner, you can have a cup of carrots, a cup of green beans, a cup of plain vanilla ice cream and 3 ounces of lean meat.

First Day of Diet

As far as this diet plan goes, there were no explanations to the claim of “specific metabolic reaction”. But, the explanations as to why you’d lose so much weight in a short period of time are very visible. With very low calorie contents from the included food choices, it is only expected that the body would burn off other stored energy. And the obvious lack of carbohydrates in the meals points out to the fast weight loss. In this specific case, water weight loss. Starches are what hold the water inside our body, without them our bodies discharge even the needed liquids.

Metabolism Factors

One more thing, that I’m sure you would not want to hear about, is the body’s way of recovery. With this process, your body will make up for all the lost nutrients by increasing your cravings. Meaning, after your three-day starvation, you would eat you way back to normality. And with the increased appetite, there is high chance that you will overeat. Plus, the fact that your body’s water level would fluctuate very low might cause you internal organ damages.

I’m guessing that slowly killing your own body is not what you want. So, as a direct point, the 3-Day Diet is not even close to being a good choice.


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