Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review (Fat Loss Program That Speeds Up The Metabolism)

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

The fat loss 4 idiots is a popular online program that introduces the calorie shifting method. This diet claims to lose 9 pounds every 11 days. Which is very likely possible since this diet speed up your metabolism.

During this diet, dieters will choose 14 of their favorite food from the list. The menu generator will then automatically gives menu for the next 11 days. After 11 days, you well get 3 cheat days. During this 3 days, you well be able to eat what ever you want. This makes this diet easy to follow since you will be eating the food that you like to eat. The fat loss 4 idiots diet meal consist of lean meats, fruits and vegetables, and sources of fat from food like cottage cheese ot eggs. And yes you can eat breads and carbs on this diet. Its amazing, no carbs cut, calorie counting or skipping meal required.

The meal can go something like this

Day 1

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fruit Salad

Meal #3: Fish Filet

Meal #4: Cottage Cheese

And remember there is no food portion restriction. So you would not have any limitations. So eat until you are very much full. This fat loss diet works because it fastens your metabolism. You learn to eat the right food and the right time because your metabolism works like an engine and it needs to be feed at a certain time to be able to burn the burn fat. Eating the wrong type of food at the wrong time makes your body store fat. This is because your body did not need to burn energy at that time.

Overall my review of the fat loss is that it works. And it’s a simple diet plan that every one can follow. No wonder why it’s a very popular diet that is use by many people. So, good luck.


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