The Truth on How to Lose the Beer Belly

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

How do you lose the beer belly? It’s not easy. You and your party friend have gone through a lot together. Remember all the good times you’ve had together like those wild parties, Sunday football games, grabbing a beer during happy hour, hanging out at the bar around the corner.  You two have shared some great memories, but times have changed and you want to get rid of belly fat.

Losing the beer belly will not be easy and will take hard work, perseverance and time. Try not to listen to what the tabloids and TV are saying,you may be lead to believe that taking a few pills or following the latest diet trend may give you the body you only see on television. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s going to take a lot more work to accomplish what you want.

Believe it or not, it’s the truth. All those beautiful people  you see in magazines, tv or in movies are so fit and healthy because of daily exercise and healthy eating habits. In order to lose that beer belly, wouldn’t following their regime make sense? Duh, it won’t be easy, but in the end it doesn’t have to be hard to do.Most people who are tryin to get rid of their beer belly will take up running or do crunches. At first glance, this might make sense. Running will contribute to losing calories but doing sit ups and crunches will only strengthen your muscles, not get rid of your gut. Unless you do more than crunches and sit ups, you might get a nice six pack but you wouln’t be able to tell underneath that layer of fat called your beer belly.

What else can you do if ab exercises won’t get rid of belly fat?

Cutting back on beer is a good start.  Cutting back on the beer may seem impossible. Isn’t drinking all that beer the reason why you have a beer belly? It doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of beer, just monitor and decrease how much you drink.

There are two ways you can lose your beer belly.  To lose your beer belly, incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits. Results won’t be as great if you choose healthy eating over exercise or vice versa. Yes, exercise might burn more calories, but if you don’t eat less calories in the first place you may not be burning more than you eat.In order to burn calories, exercise does help but if your eating more calories than you burn than all your hard work might be counteractive. In retrospect, both diet and exercise will help you lose your beer belly.

First you will need a healthy diet.Notice what you eat. Make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs. The proper nutrients are protein complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating healthy can help your body by burn and metabolize fat more effectively.

Secondly,…EXERCISE. Cardio (aerobic exercise) and resistance training (strength training) is what you would need to do. To strengthen your heart and stamina, doing aerobic exercises like running, calisthenics, or other cardio workouts can help. Do this and you will soon have confidence to show off your body at your next pool party.

The answer to getting rid of that beer belly is you will need to incorporate a healthy diet and daily workouts into your life.  Follow these instructions and you’ll not only lose your beer belly, but you’ll lose weight fast.  Best of luck to you and all your endeavors!


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